
Meeting In The Parlor

On the other side of the room, another sigh escaped the lips of the hardworking artist who was trying his best to complete the project at hand.

'Shall I just cut him out of the painting?' Knox wondered to himself while observing the sight before him.

His father's odd expressions were making it hard for him to continue painting and knowing too well that reprimanding the older man would not work in his favor, the youngster could only come up with an alternative solution for the issue he was facing right now.

Unfortunately, the Viscount was unaware of his son's scheming thoughts as his entire attention was focused on the stunning woman next to him.

After all, he was eager to know what was making his wife sigh.

At the same time, he was also well aware of his spouse's personality and was sure of the fact that the presence of the third person, their younger son, in the room would make Trisha reluctant to open up about what was truly on her mind.

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