
Chapter 490: Born Male

Ian wandered around the boardwalk looking at small vendors' tables, wanting to buy something to commemorate the trip with Mina. She had been speaking to Mills at the time, but he was aware that the trip they were on was not just her first time abroad, but it was her first vacation.

While Drax had taken Mills to do many of the things that she had wanted to do, Ian did not have the same luxury, but he still wanted to make the trip special for her. Having already done many things to ruin the excursion, Ian was surprised Mina could even smile, and his mind went back to that first day when they were all just having a good time.

On that day, Mina was talking to him casually, telling him things that interested her, and although he knew she was speaking generally, she had answered his questions openly and honestly. It made him feel like they were on the right track, and directly after, he knocked her ice cream cone out of her hand because he did not like the attention it was gaining her.

Ian's feet carried him back to that spot where he had first seen Mina walking in the bright colored bikini. He chuckled, remembering the absolutely mortified look on her face as she stomped through the sand. He became haunted by the way she whispered her thanks when he put the towel around her, almost as if she believed that speaking too loudly would make his kind gesture go away.

Ian found an empty space and sat in the sand, looking around at all the couples and feeling bitterness well within him. His eyes caught sight of a familiar linen dress and his heart leapt. By whatever coincidence, or whatever stroke of luck, he and Mina had ended up just feet from one another, and he was situated in a position that allowed him to watch her quietly read her book, tuning out all the men who were walking by, checking her out as they did.

He watched Mina pause in her actions, then scan the beach, as if she too were looking for someone. She did the same thing a few times, and when Ian realized that she was near the spot where she had met the Carson guy, he knew she was looking for that man. It was obvious to him that in the last few days Mina had changed. Whether it was her realizing that he was not going to kill her, or the relationship between Drax and Mills, Ian knew that like him, she was looking for someone to call hers.

Ian made a few calls to see if he could figure out who Carson was, and what he was all about, but while on the phone, he saw Mina's shoulder's slump. Her side profile expression turned sour, and her lip slightly shook. He followed Mina's line of sight and saw Drax and Mills walking hand and hand on the beach. He watched her touch her face, and then watched her catch sight of him as she realized that he had been watching.

By the time Ian turned back, Mina was already sprinting away with her arms spread wide as if she was trying to catch all the wind that passed her. He was still on the call with his people, who had narrowed down three men who had recent flights from Pan to Bal with the name 'Carson.' He waited for their photos, and when he confirmed that they had found the right man, his eyes narrowed when he heard the information given to him.

Ian stood up, wanting to find Mina and tell her what he had learned, but as if the world were completely against him, he stumbled upon Carson standing over Mina's prone body talking down to her while her eyes remained closed. Ian got close enough to hear the man say something about work and prison, but he could not understand it without context.

Ian increased his speed, not wanting to startle Mina, but he wanted to protect her from getting hurt. He watched her shoot up as if she were shocked to see Carson above her, and when she went to speak, Carson used a finger to silence her.

"I am more capable than you think. If he is forcing you to be here, you can tell me, and I will get you on the first flight back to Pan, with me as your personal escort," The man said, and Ian lost it.

"That won't be necessary," Ian called out loudly. Mina shot to her feet, looking guiltily at Ian, whose gaze softened when he saw her frightened expression. "Mina, you should be careful with him," he continued, and Mina took an involuntary step away from both men. Carson grabbed at her wrist, keeping her close while using his body to block her line of sight.

"Remember what I said. You can tell me." Ian scoffed at the display. He had been planning to talk to Mina in private, but Carson was pushing his buttons, and he had little tolerance for provocation.

"And will you take her to visit your wife and child when you get back?" Mina's eyes widened at the same time as Carson's, and she pulled her wrist away from the man as if his touch were fire.

"You're married?" She asked, feeling foolish for having taken the man's kindness as anything other than him just being nice. "Sorry, I think I misread your interest," she said without waiting for a response.

"You didn't misread; he isn't giving you complete information." Mina paused and turned to face Carson absolutely livid with her so-called opportunity.

"You still haven't answered my question," Mina replied, leaving Carson silent. "I should go," she continued, walking past president Lee without even so much as looking at the man.

Mina was not angry with President Lee, she was grateful that he had told her, because she was ready to jump feet first into Carson. She felt like an idiot, because she knew nothing about him other than his first name, and the fact that he played guitar.

"Are you angry with me?" President Lee suddenly asked from behind Mina, and she shook her head, while packing her things, preparing to leave the beach.

"For the first time, I am genuinely grateful for your attempt to humiliate me." Ian froze, because that was not his intention. "How long did you know?" Mina questioned, finally looking at him.

"I just found out," Mina nodded, then slung her bag over her shoulder.

"Thank you for telling me," she added before storming away.

Mills and Drax had not been around for what happened, but they had spotted Mina walking away from Ian, and misunderstood the situation as the pair arguing again. Mills quickly pulled Drax to cut Mina off, and she asked the woman if she was okay.

"I am fine, but I think I'm done with 'new opportunity.'" Drax pinched his brow.

"What did Ian do?" He asked, almost afraid to hear the answer but Mina shook her head.

"For the first time since I met him, he isn't the cause of my anger." Mina went to walk away but Drax stopped her.

"Details," he said, leaning down to look Mina in the eye.

"Someone I was interested in is married with a child." Mina shrugged off Drax's hand, and walked away, but not fast enough to not see him wince with her words. Mills punched Drax's arm, and he looked at her perplexed.

"If you ever flirt with other women after we are married and have children I will kill you." She huffed away, and Drax was left with his mouth hanging open unsure what he did wrong. Ian had hung back, but he had seen what happened. He walked toward his friend, stopping outside of striking distance.

"What did you do?" Ian asked, but Drax was baffled and could only answer what he knew.

"I was born male."

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