
Chapter 477: Suspicious

Oddly enough, with President Lee beside her, Mina did not feel as uncomfortable, and the man only took pictures from her face up, likely trying to be respectful. He handed the sunglasses back to her and explained that he was chasing a ball and could not stop in time. She accepted the apology, but then some of the man's friends started to beg for their own photos. Those men were not as respectful, and some took pictures of Mina without her permission. Luckily, she was still wrapped in a towel, and President Lee did his best to get into the shots, making the man who had crashed into her stare at them.

"Stop it guys; that is rude. Can you not tell you are making her feel uncomfortable?" All of the men put their phones away, apologizing. "My name is Carson. We are having a small party on the beach tonight. You and your boyfriend should come." Mina jumped away from president Lee and held her hands up in front of her, the towel sliding down as she did.

"No, no; he isn't my boyfriend." Carson grinned broadly and President Lee looked at him with eyes that said, 'proceed at your own risk'. Mina was about to decline, but Mills was already behind her, and when the woman asked for a recap, she automatically volunteered Mina's appearance.

"She is single, so make sure you are all on your best behavior." Mina's face turned red, and she pushed Mills, finally remembering why she was barely dressed in the first place.

Mills ran and Mina chased her, sending sand flying with their speed. In the chase, the towels the women wore had fallen to the ground. Drax actually growled at the scene like a wild animal, because he had been making Mills stay covered since he had seen her in her swimsuit. Now, she was running around, flirting with Mina and things were bouncing in ways he only wanted his eyes to see. He snapped his head back to Ian.

"You just had to come, didn't you? Now your 'friend' is stealing my girlfriend and I can only watch."

"Shut up. Mina is not into women. I think," Ian corrected, because he had never allowed her to continue that conversation with Jessica and in truth, he had no clue, but he would be surprised if she were.

With Mina and Mills straddling one another and rolling around in the sand, not just Drax, but Ian also could not take it. It was painfully obvious that some people were recording the frolicking women, and Drax snatched more than one cellphone on his way to pull the women apart; throwing them as far into the ocean as he could. The victims said nothing, only bowing in guilt as the freakishly large man glared at them.

Drax stalked up to the women and plucked Mina off Mills, who was being tickled by the woman on top of her. Mina's eyes widened as Drax held her high above his head the way parents held their children when they playfully tossed them up into the air.

"What did I do?" Mina asked, realizing that the man did not look as playful as his action suggested.

"Why did you wear that?"

"Mills bought this for me. She left me naked in the locker room with just this. I had no choice." Still holding Mina in the air Drax looked down to Mills who was seductively lounging in the sand.

"Why did you pick this one for her?"

"Because Mina's body is amazing, and she has a bad habit of covering it up. You should see her naked." Drax gave Mina a squeeze and the girl squirmed in his arms.

"You saw each other naked?" he asked, almost hurt.

"Draxy, we have been sleeping together, it's only natural for me to have seen her body." Mina shot Mills a look that was more of a question. She shook her head in the negative, unsure why Mills had phrased her words in a suggestive manner.

"Mina," Ian called out, he had been walking toward them at a pace so slow that Mina knew it was on purpose. "Drax thinks you and Mills have something going on."

"What?" Both women shouted exasperatedly. Mills shot to her feet and punched Drax in the gut. He finally released Mina, who stumbled back, but did not fall because President Lee caught her.

"You don't trust me?" Mills asked, "Do you know how miserable I have been since I have come to this country? I always do what you ask, and the first time I meet someone who isn't constantly correcting or monitoring my behavior; you think I am sleeping with them?"


"No, don't say my name like you are sorry. You have been mean to Mina since we left President Lee's home, and now I know why." Mills started to walk away but Drax grabbed her arm pulling her in close. "Leave me alone," she pouted, but she did not pull away.

"I was an idiot, okay? I did not think about all that. I just don't like the idea of anyone else seeing what's mine." Mills flashed an evil smile.

"How do you know it is yours?"

"What?" Drax asked, lifting Mills' head up to look him in the eyes.

"I said, How-" Mills never got to finish her sentence because Drax pressed a deep kiss onto her lips, and Mina, who was feeling guilty about the exchange, turned away.

"That is how I know," Drax said, referring to the dreamy expression on Mills' face.

"And how do I know you are mine? I know you and President Lee have seen each other naked, how do I know you don't want him, or that he doesn't want you?"

"Don't push it Mills," President Lee interjected, making Mina chuckle. "Is that funny to you?" he asked Mina, who made a noise of affirmation.

"She used his own logic against him, and truthfully, I am suspicious of you two as well."

"What the hell are you over there talking about?" Drax asked annoyed, and Mina turned to face the man who was still holding Mills against his chest.

"I've seen you sneaking into President Lee's bedroom at night." Drax's face fell, and Mina instinctively started to run. Mills was cheering her on, but she was laughing so hard that she could not keep her speed. Drax scooped her into his arms the way he had done when he spun her in circles, and Mina braced for a repeat event, except he did not. He forced her to face him and brought his face down to meet hers.

"When?" He growled.

"The first time," Mina said boldly. "I thought it was because you were watching over him following being drugged. After I came back, I wanted to talk to President Lee, and when I opened my room door, I saw you sneaking into his bedroom without a shirt." Drax's face turned red because it was true, he had gone to Ian's room to try and help the man book the hotel room and to get Mina's travel documents expedited. The reason he did not have on a shirt was because he did not sleep with one, but now he was regretting not being properly dressed. Ian was a straight man and so was he, so Drax did not think about it.

"So, you accuse me when it's you who has the secret," Mills said from behind Drax. "Don't worry, I will accept you both," she continued with a wink. Drax's mouth hung open, before he turned back to Mina.

"You said that on purpose." Mina looked away and Drax lifted the woman high up before throwing her into the ocean. Mina's body went flailing through the air, and Ian landed a hard punch on Drax's arm before running into the water to get her. The last thing they heard from Mina was.

"I can't swim."

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