
The Strength of Party

A heavy tension filled the atmosphere as the battle between bird and humans had entered a new phase. With a vicious battle shriek, the Four-Winged Dark Crow swooshed around in the air in its berserk state, its body clad in its vile mystic power as it flapped its wings, hurling a few arcs of spiraling wild wind attacks towards its enemies.

"Everyone get behind me! Mystic Barrier Dome!" 

Leya said as she adopted a combat stance, holding her staff before her as one of her hands faced forward with its palms open, a barrier then formed around her, Quon, and Illiak, who were both gathering power for an attack.

Bang! The dome-shaped barrier shook as the many different wind arcs crashed into it from above, some of the remnant energies seeping into the earth around it, as it sliced through like a knife through butter, crushing their surroundings.

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