
Ten million hundred thousand and two hundred dollars

As the night darkened over the city, in the middle of the precinct, Kim Junwan was busy reading the old case files. For 26 years, he had been chagrin Hwang Junho but the man had seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth. The pictures of the crime scene were laid in front of him but those were of no use. 

Moreover, the technology for DNA and fingerprints were in beta stages at the time. There was no evidence which pointed at Hwang Junho other than the testimony of Minho and the CCTV footage which caught Junho running away from the house. The sloppy job of the police was also a problem. The police had handled the case without any protocol which made it even harder to gather proper evidence.

Junwan threw the file on his table, feeling frustrated. He asked one of his old colleagues to re-scan the photo and see if there was anything Junwan had missed all these years. It was a clear picture and yet, he could not help but wonder if something was missing.

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