
story of Gai 2 {memories}

This realm was made in the image of the Gai before its destruction. Bright colours of purple, red, blue and gold were seen everywhere. The earth pitched black while the stones were pale grey and brown. 

Around were dark skinned winged beings having for s growing from their temples. Wide eyes glowing with various shades of greens and blue. This did not interest me though, what interested me were their characteristics which resembled the four limbed beings. 

They though, stood only 2.5 meters tall with translucent wings growing from their backs, pauldron armour covered the chest area in a scale like way. The entire armour seemed both light and flexible opened at the back to allow the wings to flutter free. 

Passing the darked skinned creatures Gravitrix moved around the small realm finding the ivory creatures who's armour seemed slightly bulkier and flashier with silver tones instead of the previous muted greens.

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