
Serpent of Thorns

The crash from her fall was loud. 

Perched on a ridge above, Morgana watched the falling debris with interest. It worked better than she expected, taking out quite a few scorpions in its wake, with several boulders burying Arsinoe at the same time.

The dust wouldn't settle for a long time, providing the cover she needed to move around and Morgana couldn't have hoped for a better outcome - letting Arsinoe follow was worth it for this moment alone. 

In truth, she would have done this earlier and saved herself time spent on pointless chatter, but the right moment never revealed itself. 

Morgana sighed.

Arsinoe wouldn't die, of course, she was far too resilient to break from such a fall, her love filled, mushy head on the other hand...might become even more deranged.

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