
If I was giving it to your mother... Part1

The next day Tang Yue and Charlotte, along with the two beast cubs, came to the smithy early in the morning.

Tang Yue had already explained to Charlotte in detail about what happened the previous day, well omitting certain parts of course.

Even Charlotte was immensely surprised.

To find such a powerful ally at such a time was indeed truly a blessing!

She could tell that Tang Yue was not giving her the full story, but she knew how to be tactful enough to ignore it.

She would never betray Tang Yue but in the end, trust was something that had to be slowly and steadily earned.

After the two chatted for a bit, Tang Yue and Charlotte got ready and walked over to the smithy.

Even though things had progressed at an exponentially fast pace and Tang Yue now had an actual chance to learn something as profound as spirit smithing, the duo still felt very anxious.

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