
088. Church of Caiolium -1 (Part One)

"No! Let me go! Don't hurt me!"

The Second Imperial Prince, Ruppel, was screaming out desperately.

Unfortunately, he was still placed inside a small chest.

The chest in question was made with 'Eltera', the type of metal that boasted high resistance against magic. A Vampire who lost much of its strength wouldn't even be able to resist when trapped inside.

Oscal and several Paladins stood tall around the chest. They were going to keep an around-the-clock surveillance during the trip, starting from this moment onwards. Since they were dealing with the Second Imperial Prince, they needed to strictly keep out anyone wishing to come closer.

Several carriages were lined up before us. One of them held the arrested Third Imperial Prince Ruppel, and White was also riding with him in the same carriage. With this, our preparation to depart to the Theocratic Empire was completed.

I shifted my gaze away from the carriages and stared at the Aslan royal palace.

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