
Chapter 781: Center

They were waiting for me at the stronghold, my faithful ones. Gram took Demetrius's hand as he joined the others, facing me. I dug my fingers into Galleytrot's fur, the big dog sinking to his haunches beside me while I addressed them.

"I know I won't be able to convince any of you to stay behind," I said. Silence and grim expressions. Answered that question. My heart swelled with love and eagerness as I went on. "Okay then. Listen up. Charlotte, you're with Galleytrot." She'd been with me the night we tracked Rosetta and her Chosen and with her keen nose tied to his, I knew we'd find our target that much faster. "Sass, you stay with me." Amber fire flared in his eyes. "Demetrius, if you could handle any stray sorcery and intimidate your old followers, that would rock."

He gave me a thumbs up, so odd to see him make such a normal gesture.

"Shenka, you and Gram clean up the mess I make, capiche?"

Because once I found the Chosen and the dark maji, I was going to make a mess.

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