
Chapter 409: Why Crew Went To California

I tried to do some paperwork, struggling to focus. Too many drugs made me nauseated and foggy while too few had painful consequences and I was still trying to sort out the proper dose. Not to mention trying to figure out how best to maintain things when I did accidentally stumble on the right mix of time and pain pills.

The door to my apartment opened, heavy footfalls thudding toward me. Petunia looked up, whuffing softly under her breath, black triangle ears perked in excitement. She was off the sofa and hustling her fat pug body toward the steps before Crew even came into view. She knew it was him.

Frankly, so did I. But I let her greet him first, watched him crouch to scratch her ruff, before he looked up and met my eyes, his blue ones full of love and the last remnants of his sorrow.

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