
Chapter 9


Kinsey hovered beside Gerri as her taller friend knocked firmly on the worn paint of the apartment door. The 6 in the 26 slid sideways, turning into a 9 that hung unhappily below its more firmly attached partner. The scent of burning popcorn and the faint taint of mildew hung in the air of the dank hallway, the carpet under her feet sticking occasionally to the underside of her boots.

Nothing could staunch Kinsey's excitement at being here, not even when Gerri's phone rang and she turned away to answer it. Which left Kinsey alone, eyes wide and mouth open, as the door to the apartment jerked inward, exposing a small, fine-boned woman with giant blonde hair and far too much makeup on, even for two thirty in the afternoon.

"Yes?" She clutched at the opening of her robe, nails arching in fake bridges of acrylic, painted so red Kinsey thought immediately of the blood the night before, pooled on and around Aisling. Gerri raised one hand, fingers flicking at her while she whispered into her phone a few steps away. Kinsey planted an apologetic smile on her face and addressed the woman.

"We're with Silver City police," she said, wishing she had a badge to flash. Wouldn't that be awesome? Maybe Gerri would let her have one, just for emergencies.

The woman's face tightened, little nose turning upward as she gave Kinsey the once over.

"You're no cop," she said, though her gaze did flicker to Gerri. Her irises were a vibrant violet, the edges of her contact lenses showing in the faint light reflecting from the window at the end of the hall. Kinsey thought they were a beautiful match to the silver and lavender eye shadow, if a bit showy for her taste. "That one is, though."

"We just have a few questions." Kinsey glanced at Gerri who was frowning. "May we come in?"

The woman shrugged, the faintest hint of stubble on the edge of her cheek. Kinsey gulped, realizing that, like the victim, this was a... her mind tried very hard to come up with the politically correct terminology, hating herself for not being instantly comfortable with Roxy. That was better. Names were better than labels. Still stiff, though, and considering her job, how she, of all people, should understand the social dynamics of the woman's culture, Kinsey felt awkward and uncomfortable behind her smile.

This had to be Roxy, the rival queen, as Gerri called her. Kinsey followed her inside, glancing over her shoulder at the detective who remained in the hall, whispering into her phone as though angry about something. The thrill of being on an interrogation returned and Kinsey set aside her discomfort with trying so hard not to offend Roxy in favor of hunting for clues.

Weird, Gerri said. Look for weird. As if Kinsey looked for anything but.

Roxy turned partway through the tiny kitchen that was the entry to her apartment. Her ancient refrigerator hummed and vibrated as it settled, the small counter worn and old but, nonetheless, tidy. As was the rest of the place, as far as Kinsey could tell. So, maybe not wealthy, but cared about not only her appearance, but that of her home.

Said a lot about a person.

"I take it there's a reason for your visit?" Roxy headed for the counter, pouring a cup of coffee that made Kinsey's mouth water, though that ended when Roxy dumped an excess of sugar and milk into it. Shudder. Coffee was meant to be served hot and black, enjoyed for its natural, robust flavor. Oddly, she found Roxy dipped in her estimation as she spoke.

"We're here because of Aisling." Nothing weird as far as she could tell so far, except the pile of costumes on a chair just past the kitchen, though Kinsey didn't think it weird in the paranormal sense. More weird as in why would someone so neat would leave her costumes out?

"Aisling? What about her?" Roxy's finger nails tapped against the side of her mug.

"The murder last night." Kinsey really wished Gerri would hurry up. This questioning thing was supposed to go the other way around, wasn't it? She realized she'd rather observe than participate after all.

The crash of Roxy's mug on the floor jerked Kinsey out of her thoughts and made her heart skip a beat. Especially when she saw the look on the woman's face.

"Murder?" Roxy's hands clutched at her narrow chest. She hadn't had the same surgery as Aisling, it appeared. Did she stuff her bras when she dressed up?

Only then did Kinsey kick herself, understanding dawning with a growing push of horror at her own thoughtlessness. "You didn't know?" Nice going, Kinsey. Way to break the woman's heart.

Roxy burst into a wail, sagging against the counter. "Aisling darling is dead? Murdered?" The woman began to fall to her knees. Kinsey ran for her, guided her back into the living room on the other side of the worn tile, carpet shuffling under her boots as she sat Roxy on the brown sofa. "It can't be." Roxy's hands shook, huge tears filling her violet eyes as she clung to Kinsey. "What kind of monster would murder Aisling?" The woman fell against Kinsey, sobbing softly.

"I'm such a total jerk." She swallowed past her sorrow for the woman. Woman? That term would have to do. What the hell was she thinking, just dumping this on Roxy? Kinsey was well aware there were times she didn't think of other's feelings, when she was known to blurt first and apologize later. But this was her biggest blunder ever. Nerdgirl social awkwardness? Check. "I'm so sorry."

Roxy shook in Kinsey's arms. "She was such a dear," she whispered. "Always there for everyone. So kind and sweet." She dabbed at her made-up eyes with the corner of her cuff, pink feathers wavering around her face from the hem of her collar, makeup still flawless. Kinsey wished she could look so good when she cried. Not a chance. Blotchy goodness with blood shot puffy for good measure. "Please, tell me you know who did this horrible thing."

Kinsey shook her head. "We're still looking," she said. Where the hell was Gerri? Clearly, Kinsey was terrible at this kind of thing and needed to be relieved of her partner duties before she did something else even more stupid and thoughtless. "We wanted to ask you some questions."

Roxy's shock was so vivid, Kinsey flinched. She pulled away, hand on her chest, mouth open, eyes sparking with offense. "Surely you don't think I killed my darling Aisling? How dare you!"

Kinsey actually gulped.

"Oh, give it a rest, Roxy." Gerri slammed the door behind her. Kinsey let out a quick breath in relief the redhead was here to save her from having to apologize further. "We both know you hated her guts. Drop the act and tell me why I shouldn't haul your ass down to the precinct and see what the guys in the cell block think of your pretty outfit."

Roxy's transformation made Kinsey feel like a total idiot. She went from hurt and sobbing to pissed off with a dose of bitter in about half a second flat. The small woman pulled away, adjusting her robe over her lap, but not before Kinsey got a good look at what rested between her legs.

It wasn't until that moment she realized she was a prude.

"Whatever." Roxy crossed her arms over her chest, one leg draped over the other, foot bobbing in agitation as she tossed her head. "That little spotlight-stealing bitch got what she deserved, you ask me." She glanced sideways at Kinsey who stared, a little hurt by the deception, though she knew better than to let it get to her. Roxy patted her knee, nails scratching over the denim of Kinsey's jeans. "It's okay, sweetie," she said. "You were supposed to fall for that. I'm a professional." She arched one perfect eyebrow at Gerri who waited with obvious impatience for Roxy to get to the point. "Oh, for fuck's sake." She tossed her hands in the air, her blonde mane bouncing. "Why would I kill her?" A sly smile appeared as she winked at Kinsey. "I was having far more fun humiliating her ugly ass every day. Murdering her would ruin my fun."

Kinsey pushed off from the couch, no longer able to keep herself in one place. Embarrassed by her lack of savvy, she slipped around the back of the sofa and faced the window, not wanting Gerri to see the blush of humiliation on her face. She trusted Kinsey enough to be here and she fell for a giant lie the first go around. She hadn't even thought to test the weird ability she thought she had, to try to push Roxy into telling her the truth instead of plunging headfirst into the first story she was told. Useless.

Time to do what Gerri really brought her here to accomplish.

Weird. Focus on weird. It was all Kinsey was good for.

"Tell me about the trouble Aisling had last year." Gerri's voice carried easily through the small apartment. Kinsey glanced sideways at the couch where Roxy still sat, agitated and obnoxious.

"She asked for it," Roxy said. Kinsey peeked past a half-open door into the bedroom. A giant, red satin comforter covered the king-sized bed, a canopy of matching colored gauze hanging from a lattice attached to the ceiling. Ugly, but not weird. She almost giggled when her mind said, "So there, bitch."

"Just tell me who was bothering her." Gerri sounded bored and at first, Kinsey was a little surprised. This was her job. Surely she was taking it seriously. Until she saw the cock to Gerri's hip, the way her green eyes roved the apartment. Just an affectation, then. Kinsey had so much to learn. Really, this was turning fascinating again, now she'd lost her embarrassment. She stopped in place, next to a small desk tucked in the far corner of the living space, to watch her friend in action.

"Some biker gang." Kinsey almost squealed in response to Roxy's answer. The police report from L.A.! So Ron was right. Part of her thought she'd be bummed-not just because the paranormal connection wasn't there after all, but because they'd found the murderer so soon. Kinsey sighed and looked down at the desk as her hand settled on something firm while Gerri spoke.

"Anyone in particular, or the whole gang?" Kinsey's fingers ran over the cover of a plain, black Bible before she looked up to meet Gerri's quiet eyes. Was Kinsey missing something again?

"One guy took a specific interest." Roxy shrugged her thin shoulders, toying with a lock of her long hair. "Named Oz. That's all I know."

Kinsey lifted the Bible into her hands. The script was wrong, a different kind of type than she associated with a King James's version. When she held it up, turning to Roxy, the woman caught sight of it and laughed like it was funny.

"Don't get any ideas, princess," Roxy said, voice altering from her alto sultry to a sharp-edged contralto that sounded suddenly masculine for a moment. She cleared her throat before going on, resuming her carefully cultured speech. Kinsey's discomfort at the break in Roxy's façade made her feel guilty. "The local thumper left that behind the last time he paid a visit." She laughed again, an ugly sound. "The only time." She licked her lips, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Get my drift?"

Kinsey blushed all over again. She could only imagine what someone like Roxy would do to scare off a minister. Not a priest, not from the edition she held. The Catholic Church used a specific version of the Bible. This one looked... off. Kinsey just couldn't put her finger on why.

"What's his name?" Gerri's pen waited for Roxy to speak.

"How should I know?" The dancer's anger flashed in her face. "I kicked his ass out the second I realized he was here to save my soul and not keep me warm." Another nasty laugh. "Just ask around. He's been hanging out in the community lately, trying to heal the heathens or some other shit."

"Can we take the Bible with us?" The words were out of Kinsey's mouth before she could think twice about it. More of a curiosity to her. Weird, but from a professional standpoint. Gerri met Kinsey's eyes again, with interest. Kinsey tucked the heavy book against her ribs, crossing to stand next to Gerri. Roxy shrugged again, sighing deeply, with drama.

"Be my guest." She stood abruptly and waved toward the door, a bit of feather drifting in pink magnificence from the front of her robe. "Religion never did a damn thing to me but fuck me up. And not in a good way." Her whole face twitched, as if in memory, before she fixed Gerri with a baleful glare. "Now, if you don't mind. I have to get my beauty sleep."

Who slept in the afternoon? Kinsey turned to say goodbye as she and Gerri crossed into the hall, only to have Roxy slam the door in her face. Hurt again, blushing and hating that she was blushing, she held the Bible out to Gerri. Clearly this wasn't her thing and her friend's trust in her was so far misplaced it might as well have been in another county.

But Gerri was smiling at her, waved her off. "Weird?"

Kinsey looked down at the smooth, black cover. "Just to me." She lowered her hand. "I doubt it has anything to do with the case."

"Check into it anyway," Gerri said. "Let me know if there's more weird to be had."

"Ger." Kinsey stopped Gerri from walking way with her nickname. "I'm sorry. I really fell for it."

The tall redhead shrugged, hands in her pockets, casual and forgiving. "Rookie mistake," she said. "You'll get the hang of it."

As Kinsey followed Gerri out of the building, she processed what the redhead said. And her heart leaped. Get the hang of it? That meant...

She'd be doing this again. Completely forgetting in her excitement to ask Gerri who was on the phone.


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