
Chapter 19: Selecting Spells

The following lists a few of the most common spell sets, they types, and representative examples of some of their related spells:

Attack - Darkness: Adfligo (knock down), Causare somnum exterreri solebat (cause nightmare), Comminuet ossa (break bones), Contere (crush), Excrucies (torture), Facere amentem seruus (make mindless slave), Facere infirma (make weak), Facere persona cæcus (make blind), Facere cruentatur (make bleed), Facere persona moram somno (cause coma), Facere persona somno (make sleep), Facere persona somno velut mortui (sleep of the dead), Fac rancidius (make nauseous), Homicidium (kill), Impediendum motum (paralyze), Interfectio (die), Secare caro (cut flesh), Sercutiat corpus (strike), Strangulari persona (suffocate)

Attract Sexually - Light: Facere parum pudici (make sexually attractive); Darkness: Inexsuperabilis sexualis blanditia (irresistible sexual attraction)

Banish Evil - Light: Pellat spiritus (banish spirit) and Daemonium pellendi (banish daemon)

Be Afraid - Darkness: Exterreo persona (horrify) and Terrere persona (terrify)

Be Agile - Twilight: Crescere agilitas (increase agility)

Be Beautiful - Light: Crescere uenustate (increase attractiveness)

Be Bound - Earth: Obligatoque cum hedera vites (bind with vines); Twilight: Alligabunt in catenas (bind in chains), Alligabunt in funiculis (bind with rope); Darkness: Impediendum motum (paralyze) Obrigescunt (petrify)

Be Brave - Light: Crescere fiduciam sui (increase self-confidence), Crescere fortitude (increase bravery)

Be Dark - Darkness: Creare tenebrae (create darkness), Extinguere lumen (extinguish light), Facere persona cæcus (make blind), Minui splendor (decrease brightness), Obscurum, quantum nox (dark as night)

Be Faster - Twilight: Crescere celeritate (increase speed)

Be Fertile - Earth: Fecundandam (make fertile)

Be Free - Light: Liberes personam ex incantatores (free from spell), Liberes personam ex vinculis (free from bondage)

Be Gluttonous - Darkness: Facere persona esurientem (make hungry), Facere persona vorax (make gluttonous), Fac magna fame (make extremely hungry)

Be Greedy - Darkness: Facite persona avarus (make greedy)

Be Healed - Fire: Obturatio cruentaque (stop bleeding); Light: Aufero maledictionem (remove curse), Eliminate dolor (eliminate pain), Sanari ab iniuria (heal injury), Sana a morbo (heal illness), Liberes personam ex incantatores (free from spell)

Be Hopeless - Darkness: Facite persona desperantium (make hopeless)

Be Intelligent - Light: Crescere intelligentia (increase intelligence)

Be Invulnerable - Twilight: Fac invulnerabilis (make invulnerability)

Be Lucky - Light: Divites facturus (make wealthy) Facere fortunatus (make lucky)

Be Prosperous - Light: Divites facturus (make wealthy), Portect in chodchod (protect valuables)

Be Regal - Light: Facere regalis (make majestic)

Be Sad - Darkness: Causare inpotentiorem vagitu (cause uncontrollable crying), Facere persona depressus (make depressed), Facere persona flere (make cry), Facite persona tristis (make sad)

Be Stronger - Twilight: Crescere fortitudo (increase strength).

Be Unlucky - Darkness: Facere infortunatum (make unlucky)

Breathe Underwater - Water: Crescere branchias et pinnulas (grow gills and fins), Spirant sub aqua (breathe underwater)

Burn - Fire: Causare combusto (cause burn), Causare dolor ardens (cause burning pain)

Change Physical Properties - Twilight: Factus giganteas (become gigantic), Factus maior (become larger), Factus minor (become smaller), Mutare figuram (change shape), Mutare mole (change size), Mutare pondus (change weight)

Change Size - Twilight: Factus giganteas (become gigantic), Factus maior (become larger), Factus minor (become smaller), Mutare mole (change size)

Change Visibility - Twilight: Apparere (appear), Fac invisibilis (make invisible), Vanesco (disappear), Visibilem reddere (make visible)

Clean - Water: Mundate cella (clean room), Mundate corpus (wash body), Munda obiectum (wash object), Mundate vestimenta (wash clothes)

Clean Mind - Water: Mundate mens (cleanse mind); Light: Obliviscaris memoria (forget memory), Supprimere male cogitat (suppress unwanted thoughts)

Communicate with Creatures - Air: Communicare cum aerea creaturis (communicate with aerial creatures); Earth: Communicare cum animalia terrestria (communicate with terrestrial creatures); Water: Communicare cum aquatilia (communicate with aquatic creatures)

Control Caves - Earth: Causare spelunca collapse (cause cave-in), Creare spelunce (create cave)

Control Creatures - Air: Præcipe aerea creaturis (command aerial creatures); Earth: Praecipio animalia terrestria (command terrestrial creatures); Water: Præcipe creaturis quod natare (command aquatic creatures); Earth: Causa terraemotus (cause earthquake)

Control Electromagnetism - Fire: Creare magnes (create magnetism), Creare scintilla (create electricity)

Control Fire - Fire: Causare combusto (cause burn), Creare ardens flores (create fireworks), Creare ignis (create fire), Crescere temperies (increase temperature), Displodo (cause explosion), Exstinguendum ignem (extinguish fire)

Control Flight - Air: Pendeo (levitate), Volatilis (fly)

Control Hot Gases - Fire: Aufero fumus (make smoke disappear), Creare calidum aerem (create hot air), Creare fumus (create smoke)

Control Light - Light: Creare lux (create light), Crescere splendor (increase brightness)

Control Lightning - Fire: Creare fulgur (create lightning), Protegere ab fulgur (protect from lightning)

Control Others - Light: Imperium daemon (control daemon), Imperium monstrum (control monster); Darkness: Controlare viventes mortuae (control the living dead), Facere amentem seruus (make mindless slave)

Control Plants - Earth: Germinentur raptim (increase plant growth), Obligatoque cum hedera vites (bind with vines)

Control Precipitation - Water: Creare grandinis (create hail), Creare nix (create snow), Creare pluvia (create rain)

Control Springs - Water: Creare aqua dulci vernum (create spring), Invenire ver (find spring)

Control Stone - Earth: Creare lapidem (create stone), Imperium lapidem (command stone)

Control Temperature - Fire: Crescere temperies (increase temperature), Minui temperies

(decrease temperature)

Control Volcano - Fire: Causare volcanus eruption (cause eruption), Creare saxa liquefacta (create lava), Creare volcano (create volcano), Solidatur saxa liquefacta (solidify lava)

Control Water - Water: Creare aqua (create water), Creare aqua dulci vernum (create spring), Creare ingens unda maris (create tsunami), Creare magna fluctus (create large waves), Facere impervium aqua (make impervious to water), Præcipe aqua (command the water)

Control Weather - Air: Creare caligine (create mist), Creare caligo (create fog), Creare fortis ventis (create wind), Creare fulgur (create lightning), Creare nubibus (create clouds), Creare patet apricis die (create sunny day), Creare tempestas (create storm), Creare turbo (create tornado), Tranquillitas tempestas (calm the storm)

Control Wind - Air: Creare fortis ventis (create wind), Creare tempestas (create storm), Creare turbo (create tornado), Protegere ab fortis ventis (protect from wind), Tranquillitas tempestas (calm the storm)

Create Forest - Earth: Creare arbor (create tree), Creare silva (create forest)

Create Geological Disaster - Earth: Causa terraemotus (cause earthquake), Causare lapsus terrae (cause landslide), Causare spelunca collapse (cause cave-in)

Control Hot Gases - Fire: Aufero fumus (make smoke disappear), Creare calidum aerem (create hot air), Creare fumus (create smoke)

Create Plants - Earth: Creare arbor (create tree), Creare flores (create flowers), Creare silva (create forest)

Create Rainbow - Water: Creare iris (create rainbow)

Create Smells - Air: Creare odor (create smell); Darkness: Creare foetorem (create stench), Facere persona fetere (make stink)

Destroy - Darkness: Disperdere (destroy)

Eliminate Negative Emotions - Light: Aufer iram (remove anger), Aufero avaritia (remove greed), Aufero diffidentia (remove distrust), Aufero odium (remove hatred), Aufero timor (remove fear), Aufero zeli (remove jealousy)

Enchant - Quintessence: Adepto magicae a astral plano (gather magic), Incantationem (enchant object)

Endure Longer - Light: Diu vivere (live long); Twilight: Crescere patientia (increase endurance)

Enhance Communication - Air: Augendae oratio (enhance voice), Communicare via cogitatio (telepathy)

Enter - Earth: Ire per ianua clausa (pass through locked door), Ire per murum (pass through wall), Ire per obiectantque (pass through barrier), Recludam ostium (unlock door)

Fight Better - Twilight: Crescere agilitas (increase agility), Crescere celeritate (increase speed), Crescere facultatem pugnare (increase fighting ability), Crescere fortitudo (increase strength), Crescere patientia (increase endurance), Detrahere arma persona (disarm subject), Fac invulnerabilis (make invulnerable)

Have Extra Sensory Perception - Air: Communicare via cogitatio (telepathy), Divinatio (divination), Loginquitas auditurus esse (clairaudience), Loginquitas os (clairvoyance), Scire per tactum (clairsentience)

Hear Better - Air: Augendae audientes (enhance hearing), Loginquitas auditurus esse (clairaudience)

Improve Mind - Light: Amplio concentratio (improve concentration), Amplio memoria (improve memory), Crescere intelligentia (increase intelligence), Crescere intuitio (increase intuition), Crescere sapientia (increase wisdom), Crescere scientia (increase knowledge), Inspirare (inspire)

Inspire - Light: Inspirare (inspire)

Intuit - Light: Crescere intuitio (increase intuition)

Kill - Darkness: Homicidium (kill), Interfectio (die), Strangulari persona (suffocate)

Live - Light: Vivus factus (live); Darkness Faceres cadaver rursum vivat (make the corpse live again), Mortuos suscitate (raise the dead)

Love - Light: Crescere fidelitate ad (increase loyalty), Crescere uenustate (increase attractiveness), Diligunt etiam quando impossibile est (love when impossible), Efficiatur infatuati (become infatuated), Facere parum pudici (make sexually attractive), In amorem incidere cum (fall in love)

Make Plants Thrive - Earth: Creare arbor (create tree), Creare silva (create forest), Creare flores (create flowers), Germinentur raptim (increase plant growth), Plurimae segetes (abundant harvest)

Paralyze - Darkness: Impediendum motum (Paralyze)

Petrify - Darkness: Obrigescunt (petrify)

Poison - Darkness: Creare venenum (create poison), Creare virus (create venom)

Poison Air - Air: Vivere obstante venenum aer (live breathing poison); Darkness: Creare venenosa aer (create poison gas)

Promote Negative Emotions - Darkness: Causare inpotentiorem vagitu (cause uncontrollable crying), Exterreo persona (horrify), Facite persona avarus (make greedy), Facere persona depressus (make depressed), Facere persona flere (make cry), Facite persona desperantium (make hopeless), Facite persona tristis (make sad), Facere persona vorax (make gluttonous), Terrere persona (terrify)

Promote Positive Emotions - Light: Crescere beatitudinem (increase happiness), Crescere fidelitate ad (increase loyalty), Crescere sperare (increase hope)

Protect - Air: Protegere ab fortis ventis (protect from wind), Protegere ab fulgur (protect from lightning), Protegere ab procellis (protect from storm); Fire: Protegere ab combustion (protect from burning), Protegere ab dolor ustionis (protect from fire pain); Earth: Protegera ab terraemotus (protect from earthquake), Protegera ab lapsus terrae (protect from landslide), Protegera ab spelunca collapse (protect from cave-in); Water: Protegera ab demersi (protect from drowning), Protegera ab flumina (protect from floods), Protegera ab naufragia (protect from shipwrecks); Light: Eliminant venenum (eliminate poison), Intercluderent malediction (block curse), Portect in chodchod (protect valuables), Protege a nocentibus (protect from harm); Twilight: Detrahere arma persona (disarm subject), Fac invisibilis (make invisible), Reverberant incantatores (reflect spell)

Repel Water - Water: Facere impervium aqua (make impervious to water)

Reveal - Light: Revelare deceptio (reveal deception); Twilight: Invenire amisit (find), Revelare abscondita (reveal), Visibilem reddere (make visible)

See Better - Air: Augendae conspectu (enhance sight), Loginquitas os (clairvoyance)

Sleep - Darkness: Causare somnum exterreri solebat (cause nightmare), Facere persona moram somno (cause coma), Facere persona somno (make sleep), Facere persona somno velut mortui (sleep of the dead)

Summon Evil - Darkness: Arcessentes daemonium (summon daemon), Arcessentes mala bestia (summon evil beast), Arcessentes malum ens (summon evil being), Arcessentes malus spiritus (summon evil spirit)

Summon Help - Light: Annuntiate adiutorium (summon help), Annuntiate spiritum conducit (summon helpful spirit)

Swim Better - Water: Crescere branchias et pinnulas (grow gills and fins), Crescere piscis cauda (grow fish tail), Maecenas arcu nature (enhance swimmer); Twilight: Crescere celeritate (increase speed)

Torture - Fire: Causare dolor ardens (cause burning pain); Light: Eliminate dolor (eliminate pain); Darkness: Excrucies (torture)

Transfigure - Air: Convertere ad aeris (transfigure to air), Convertere ad fumant (transfigure to smoke); Twilight: Conduplico (double in number), Conjugo (merge), Deveniendum est ad humana (revert to human), Mutare aspectum (change appearance), Mutare figuram (change shape), Reparare (repair), Transfigurant in animali (transfigure into an animal), Transmutet (transfigure)

Transport - Twilight: Iter facio (travel), Mitto (send), Motus (move), Transporto (transport)

Travel to Faerie - Quintessence: Aperire porta (open portal), Claudere porta (close portal), Invenire porta (find portal), Vade ad regno Faerie (apparate to Faerie), Vade ad terréno regno (apparate to Earth)

Travel to Spiritual Plane - Quintessence: Revertatur a spiritus regni (return from spiritual plane), Vade ad spiritum regni (journey to spiritual plane)

Use Necromancy - Darkness: Arcessentes spíritus (summon ghost), Controlare viventes mortuae (control the living dead), Faceres cadaver rursum vivat (make the corpse live again), Loquere ad spiritus (speak to ghost), Mortuos suscitate (raise the dead)

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