
18: DANNY - The Girl Who Cried Ghost

It's now been around 2 months since we moved into the Spirat's house and 1.5 months since Sabrina figured out my secret😢. I've been secretly using the ghost portal still but always making sure the door is locked or that Sabrina is at school/gone.

One day I was in ghost form staring at the portal when suddenly I heard tons of noise coming from upstairs. It sounded like someone was running around like crazy. I thought I heard Sabrina yelling so I turned off the ghost portal to listen or maybe go up and spy. As soon as I turned it off I heard someone running down the stairs and then Sabrina was slamming at the door saying "DANNY DANNY!!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! It's urgent and I'm NOT LYING!!!!!!"

I could hear her crying a little so I put the portal back into the wall, changed back to normal form and came out. Sabrina looked terrified so we went to the couch and I said "What's wrong Sabrina? How can I help?"

"A new garage band moved in next door with a vocalist named Emerald. She looks identical to Ember McClain! I think it's her daughter! I need your help to see if she's a ghost and fight her!!"

Part of me was agreeing with Sabrina a little bit but I just still couldn't trust her.

"I don't believe you Sabrina. You're just still trying to get proof of my secret." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"NO I'M NOT!!!!! At one point I thought I could see my breath so it was probably just cold down there. I also have these pictures and people were chanting out her name like crazy!" Said Sabrina as she showed them to me.

"These photos just look like edited ones you created and I wonder why you weren't effected IF she's a ghost." I said.

"NO THEY'RE NOT!!!! I probably wasn't effected cause I left so fast." Sabrina yelled through crocodile tears of frustration and terror.

After a few more chats and disagreements I decided I wanted it to get it over with.

"Fine. I'll go with you to see if my ghost sense goes off, but only if you leave your phone and any camera here." I said.

"But what if my mom texts me?" She asked.

"We won't be gone long and the more you keep on disagreeing with me the less I'm trusting you." I said.

"Fine. I'll just text my parents now that we're going for a walk and they should text you since I had to leave my phone behind to charge." She said.

"In case Emerald is Ember's daughter you should probably use these so you aren't effected." I said as I handed Sabrina a pair of Fenton phones.

I also took the Fenton thermos and we headed up the stairs.

"Hi Danny! Sabrina was sure looking for you earlier to try to scare you probably." Lily said as she sat on the couch.

"No she wasn't. She just wanted to talk and hang out." I said as Sabrina came up the stairs behind me.

"Yeah. Now we're going out on a walk but I have to leave my phone here to charge." Sabrina told Lily as she plugged it in. Then we headed out the door.

I still had a feeling that Sabrina was lying but I'm pretty sure there's no other way for her to get proof if her phone is left here.

I just hope one of her friends isn't hiding there spying and waiting to get a picture.

We travelled down to the old house with the big garage. There were tons of people around the garage and they were all screaming "EMERALD! EMERALD!!!" While she played.

As we got closer I noticed that she looked a lot like Ember does and just like the picture Sabrina showed me so I knew that they weren't fake. Suddenly my ghost sense went off!

"So is she a ghost?" Sabrina whispered and as she spoke I thought I could see her breath too. It's not easy but I should just get this idea that Sabrina is also part ghost out of my head!!

"Yes." I whispered back. Sabrina started to say "I told you s…" when I cut in and said "something's telling me they're not gonna want to see their new idol get beat up and sucked into the Fenton thermos."

"I think that I'll probably be able to distract them." Sabrina said.

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