

At the Martial art club's gym.

Aaron was leaning on a wall at a corner.

He was watching Ian spar with his club mates.

It didn't take much time for Ian to finish his sparring sessions.

After the spar, Ian advised a few of his club mates on their progress before he made his way towards Aaron.

"It's surprising that even with our busy and chaotic schedule, we still have much time to spare for school and leisure." Aaron commented leaning off from the wall.

Ian nodded hearing Aaron.

"Yeah, with everything I thought we wouldn't have much time on our hands but here we are. I'm sparring with my club mates and enjoying ordinary school life." Ian said taking a towel from his bag.

Wiping the sweats from his face, he continued.

"To be honest, I appreciate the fact that we still have time for ourselves. Look at us, soon we will graduate and we will have busier times on our hands. Will we still have time for ourselves? I don't know if we will or not. So let's just enjoy the present as much we can before it gets busier!" Ian said to Aaron.

Aaron nodded before muttering.

"Yeah, let's just enjoy our free time as much we can."

Aaron handed a water bottle to Ian.

Taking the water bottle, Ian emptied down the bottle in one go.

"Ahhhh, I feel so tired!!! It will take me about 20-25 minutes to finish my club activities, including the shower time. Are you going to wait here for me until I'm done?"

Aaron scratched the back of his neck with his cane.

"I'll be in the vicinity, so call me when you're done."

Hearing Aaron, Ian gave him a thumbs up before he turned around went to the gym showers to take a shower.

Watching Ian heading to the showers, Aaron sighed.

Feeling hungry since he didn't have breakfast in the morning, Aaron left the gym to get some food to appease his growling stomach.


After getting some sandwiches from a vending machine outside the gym, Aaron was about to head back inside the gym and wait for Ian to finish his club activities.

But from a corner of his eyes, he saw some people beating someone in an alleyway nearby.

Aaron was bored and curious about what's going.

Since he doesn't have anything better to do, he went towards the alleyway to check what's it all about.

Arriving close to the scene, Aaron recognised the person who was being bullied.

It's the guy who wanted to flirt with Li Hwa, the guy who pissed in his pants after being threatened by him!

'What was his name again? Was it Roman or Ramon?'

Aaron made eye contact with Roman.

His eyes were full of fear and a tiny bit of hope that Aaron would help him.

Aaron shrugged and shook his head.

"Whatever." He muttered before turning back.

As he was about to walk away, he heard someone called out to him.

At first, Aaron ignored it.

But those idiot bullies kept on shouting at him.

"Ey, shit ass cripple!" The guy who was beating Roman shouted at Aaron loudly.

Turning back, Aaron looked at them.

Inwardly sighing, he made his way towards them.

"Can't you hear that we've been calling for you, boy!!!' The leader yelled at Aaron in anger.

Aaron shook his head and lied to the bully leader.

"Sorry, I didn't hear anything."

Hearing Aaron, a lackey of the bully leader, Bully lackey #1 made fun of Aaron.

"What? Did you cut off your ears and put it in your ass or something?" Bully lackey #1 said to Aaron.

The Bully leader and his lackeys laughed.

Aaron shook his head before lying again.

"I have hearing problems, I can't hear people if they are 7 feet away from me."

"Is there anything? I'm getting late for class." Aaron said to the Bully leader.

The Bully leader snorted before mocking Aaron.

"Look at this guy, getting late for class! A mama's boy, are you? A goody-good boy, who does his best and a piece of s*it, right?"

The lackeys laughed hearing their leader.

Aaron sighed.

He knows that there's no way they will let him go out of this alleyway unscathed.

Turning to Roman, Aaron spoke to him.

"Get up."

Roman who was on the ground and had his head down, hearing Aaron he looked up towards him.

The bullies also didn't like Aaron telling Roman to get up.

Especially the leader, who got furious at Aaron.

"Ey! Are you new at school?" The Bully leader questioned Aaron in a disgruntled tone.

"Yes." Aaron replied in a monotone voice.

"Boy, don't you know that you have to greet the boss when you see him? Do you know who he is? You piece of *beep beep beep*!" Bully lackey #2 said cursing at Aaron.

"Sorry, I didn't recognise." Aaron shrugged at the guy.

Aaron's action infuriated the bullies.

"Since you don't know then let me teach you a lesson, kid!" The Bully leader said to Aaron before stepping forward.

'Guess, I have no choice...' Aaron said in his mind.

He turned to Roman.

"Hey, let me teach you something. Even though you are a piece of s*it, your not a bad guy. But man, I gotta tell you! You shouldn't have pissed in your pants that day." Aaron said to Roman before he turned to the Bully leader.

"So listen, the first thing you do is, distract. Then block and counter. The target will be stunned briefly, then block, blow, block, weaken jaw, break, break, break, dislocate, then you kick. Get it?"

"What are you on about crack head!" The Bully leader yelled.

"Let's go again, first, distract target." Aaron instructed before throwing his cane in front of his opponent's face.

"Then block his blind jab, counter with a cross to the left cheek. DISCOMBOBULATE." Aaron claps his hands over his opponent's ears.

"Dazed, will attempt wild haymaker. Employ elbow block, and body shot." Aaron blocks with his elbow and delivers a body blow.

"Block feral left, weaken right jaw, now fracture." Aaron made a cross to the jaw and fractures the bone.

"Break cracked ribs, traumatize solar plexus, dislocate jaw entirely." Aaron hits his opponent two more body blows, and a right hook to the jaw hinge.

"Heel kick to the diaphragm." A heel kick to the opponent's chest sends the Bully leader crashing back on a trash box.

"In summary: ears ringing, jaw fractured, three ribs cracked, four broken, diaphragm haemorrhaging. Physical recovery: six weeks. Full psychological recovery: six months." Aaron said looking at the leader of the bullies who was now unconscious.

The lackeys were in a daze, they were looking at Aaron in fear.

Even Roman was awestruck by what happened.

It all happened in a matter of a few seconds.

8 seconds to be precise!

Aaron walked forward.

The lackeys were so scared that they stepped back in fear.

Picking up HaloCutie, Aaron activated scythe mode.


With a metallic chiing sound, the crescent curved blade popped out from the cane.

Seeing the walking stick turning into a weapon that looks like it's specially made for reaping souls.

The lackeys of the bully leader became pale as white as sheet.

The colour completely drained their face.

All of them, pissed in their pants in fear!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Aaron rolled his eyes.

He turned to Roman and said to him.

"Do all the idiots in the school piss their pants when they are scared?"

The lackeys of the bully leader fled from the scene.

Aaron turned to Roman.

"Why aren't you getting up?" He said to Roman who was still lying on the ground.

Roman got up from the ground holding his stomach.

He was in pain, from the looks of it Aaron figured that Roman might have fractured some of his bones.

Roman looked at Aaron with a confused expression on his face.

They have only met once and Roman always avoided Aaron.

He even tried to prey on Aaron's girlfriend.

He can't wrap around his head, why Aaron saved him from the bullies.

"Arhh! Why did you save me?"

Hearing Roman, Aaron only shrugged.

"I was curious about what's happening here, so I came here to check things out but got tangled-up on it. I didn't save you because I wanted to. I was just saving myself from these idiots. Don't get me wrong, I don't like you! But that doesn't mean I hate you. We've only interacted once before. Just go and check yourself out. Don't bother me about it in the future!" Aaron said to Roman before he turned back and started walking out of the alleyway.

Roman stared at Aaron's back for a few moments before he cursed.


His whole body was in pain.

"Thank you!!!" Roman shouted his thanks to Aaron with an annoyed expression on his face.


Just as Aaron came out of the alleyway, he saw Ian waiting for him nearby.

"How's your body?" Ian asked.

Aaron made a painful expression on his face.

"Hurts like s*it, man!" Aaron replied with an irritated tone.

His hands were shaking, and his body was in pain.

Ian chuckled.

"Then why did you save him?"

"Cause, fuc*ing bored! I just wanted to beat some people up after seeing you spar with your mates."

Aaron then looked at his watch.

"Our usual restaurant should have a huge crowd by now since it's the peak hours. Wanna go somewhere else, I'm still hungry, sandwiches didn't do much." Aaron said to Ian.

Ian nodded.

"I'm also hungry, let's go fill up our stomach!" Ian replied.

The two went to find a good restaurant to eat their fill.

I rewatched, RDJ's Sherlock Holmes and did a movie marathon with my friends.

The Discombobulate fighting scene is my fav scene.

So I figured, why not add it in the book to pay a tribute to one of my favourite scene and my favourite actor.

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts
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