


Nyx, Aurora, Ana and Sabastian barged into the men's room.

They saw Ian lying on the floor unconscious, he was a mess.

Ian's clothes were dirty, his face was a bloody mess.

The gang seeing Ian in that state, felt their heart tightening.

Ana swiftly went to check on Ian.

After checking Ian up, Ana turned to the others and said.

"'e needz to go to the 'ospital quick!"

"Yeah, I'll call the ambulance." Sabastian said before Nyx stopped him from calling the ambulance.

"Stop! We cant call the ambulance!!!" Nyx shouted looking at Sabastian.

Aurora understanding what Nyx meant by not calling the ambulance, turned all her gears in her head. She started thinking about, what should they do in this situation.

Finally, thinking of something Aurora turned to Nyx and said.

"Call Zulker!"

They can't go to the hospital, if they go there then the hospital will notify the police, then their parents will know about this incident and the Blood parents as well as the people in the Prince household will know about this.

It will be a mess, Nyx and the Blood siblings already have many eyes on them and this incident, if they found out about it then their future work for 'Nameless' will be restrictive.

The only one who can help in this situation is Zulkernyn.

Nyx nodding called Zulkernyn.

She told Zulkernyn what happened and they need emergency medical treatment for Ian, so they need his help.

Zulkernyn asked where they are, so he can send his people to pick them up.

15 minutes later, Zulkernyn's people came.

The gang then took Ian to one of Zulkernyn's contacts in Star city, who can help them.

Later they arrived in a private clinic of Zulkernyn's people and got Ian medical help.

~ ~

"F**k!" Sabastian cursed.

"Who are they? Did you found out anything when Aaron and Ian were attacked?" Aurora asked Nyx.

"No, we were in the men's room and they suddenly came in and attacked us. Judging by, that they took Aaron and Erisviel with them, I think they only came to kidnap Aaron and Aurora. They must have thought, Erisviel is Aurora, thats why they've taken her with them too." Nyx said thinking about the kidnapping. When they arrived there, they have also checked the ladies room for Erisviel. But they didn't find her there, Erisviel's phone was on the floor. So Nyx guessed that they have also taken Erisviel with them.

"Aaron still hasn't woken up." Nyx said to Aurora.

"We need to track them quickly before anything happens to them." Aurora said gritting her teeth, she is trying very hard to restrain her murderous intent.

"I need to go to the 'base' so I can go track them." Nyx said to Aurora.

They are from the Blood's and the Prince family. Many people are after them.

So for kidnapping scenarios, they also have taken precautions.

Aaron made trackers for himself, Nyx, Aurora and Sabastian.

Nyx needs to go their 'base' outside the city, so she can track Aaron and Erisviel's whereabouts.

"I will go with you, Nyx. Aurora? You and Ana stay here. We will notify you when we get any information about who they were and where they are." Said Sabastian.

Aurora, Ana and Nyx nodded hearing Sabastian.

"Zulkernyn is coming. He is in country O, he will be here in star city in a couple of hours." Nyx said to Aurora. Zulkernyn said on the call that he will leave right away for Star City, so he can help them.

Nyx is already thankful for his help for Ian, Zulkernyn coming personally to help them find Aaron and Erisviel and rescue them? She really appreciates his help and support.

Aurora was also thinking the same as Nyx.

Soon, Nyx and Sabastian left for Nameless's base.


Aaron feels a heavy pain in the back of his head.

He figured that he is finally waking up, thanks to Nyx.

His head is throbbing in pain, they really did hit him hard on the back of his head.

Luckily, he didn't die on the blow and there wasn't any blood.

Aaron is suffering from a concussion.

He slowly opened his eyes, but he feels dizzy and pain in the back of his head.

Still, Aaron needs to open his eyes and assess the situation he is in and finds out if Erisviel is with him or not.

Opening his eyes, he looked around and saw Erisviel looking at him with her neutral/normal face.

"So, you're finally awake." Erisviel said without any hint of emotion in her voice.

If Aaron didn't know Erisviel, he would have thought Erisviel was angry at him or something.

As expected of Erisviel, nothing could break her character.

"Yeah, my head feels like it's going to burst apart! Hssss!!!" He hissed in pain trying to move his head.

He found out that he is in a basement kind of room, in a corner with his hands tied up in his back.

Erisviel was in the same situation as him, tied up hands behind her back.

"How are you now?" Erisviel asked.

"Apart from the twinging pain in my head, I'm fine I guess." Aaron said in pain.

"I see. How is Ian?" Erisviel asked about Ian.

They kidnapped her thinking she is Aurora, by mistake.

Ian was with Aaron.

If Aaron is here then where is Ian? She doesn't want to think about the worst, so she asked Aaron. She is hoping it isn't the worst, over and over she is chanting in her head that 'Please, be fine Ian'.

"Not, good! He is battered, broken and bruised up. He is completely a mess. There is no danger to his life at the moment, thats all they can tell us.

Erisviel's face paled hearing what Aaron said.

She hopes nothing happens to Ian, Erisviel prayed to the gods for Ian's well being.

"You are surprisingly calm, Eris." Said, Aaron looking at Erisviel.

"Hmm, I believe in you and Aurora. So nothing will happen to us." Said Erisviel in her usual monotone voice.

"I at least thought, you will be nervous or maybe panicking. Hell, you really are cold, Eris!!" Aaron sighed staring at his dear friend.

"I'm nervous inside, I really am. But what's the point showing it? So, any progress on how we get out of here and where are we?"

"You really are something! Yes, 'I', no, I mean Nyx just found out where we are and who kidnapped us." Aaron said giving a smirk, to Erisviel.

The smirk on Aaron's face looked really evil.

"Where are we then, and who brought us here?" Erisviel asked Aaron raising her eyebrows.


Nyx was in front of her computer in Nameless's base.

Nyx's phone was on the table near the monitor.

The phone was on speaker and on a call with Aurora.

"They are in a local den of Trinity Crown, It's the Trinity Crown who kidnapped them."

Here's the new chapter!

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[(6/6) Weekly chapters released.]

I might release a chapter tomorrow if everything goes well with me.

if I finish my homework, then I will be able to write one.

Hyacinth_FScreators' thoughts
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