
Cole's Sixteenth Birthday (2)

Although Dawn wanted a grand celebration for his birthday, Cole refused to have one. He dreamt of spending it with Quetz. The day-to-day longing to be with him became too much to bear. His diet had taken a backseat and things were usually slow. Gayle had invited him a number of times to play chess with him. Often he would go but had lost every time. At school, just to vent his frustration and energy, he had joined rugby, and he was getting wild at it. 

In short, he had to talk to Dawn about it. 

Sitting languidly on his bed, he was playing Assassin's Creed 4 to distract his mind. 

Dawn and Daryn opened the door with his birthday and they pushed a trolley inside singing, 

"Happy Birthday to you." 

Gayle and Neal also followed them. 

Taken by surprise, he jumped up from his bed. 

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