
Working Directly Under Nevin

[This chapter is dedicated to mhamme_yharh for being a silent reader who has suddenly commented. ^^ Thank you so much for leaving such sweet messages. I hope to see more of your comments soon as it makes me smile! :D]


After hearing what Eleanor said about Devin planning to tell Nevin to their mother, Levin immediately left after excusing himself and properly saying good bye to his girl, Ava.

With him gone, Eleanor decided to have pizza with the others, catching up to everyone as she had the sudden urge to get to know Ava who's now Levin's lover and what she did to make him act sweeter towards her than when they were in a relationship before.

Devin was still in his room, reading a book while he sat beside Angeal who was still unconscious. With him still in a disguise, Levin appeared magically in his room first before revealing himself to their mother to greet her.

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