
Yeah, It's a Start

[This chapter is dedicated to Shelby_Venters for being a nice leaver of comments last month of May. Thank you so much for making me smile with your comments! I hope to see more of it soon! Thank you for supporting my book!]


You go ahead, I think I'll stay in for the winter

Can't quite remember when I even got this bitter

And how do you live like that?

So uncomplicated by the weather

In December think I'll stay in for the winter


After dinner, Arlo already excused himself as he said he wanted time alone in his room. With little Kent understanding his big brother, he gave him the space that he needed, playing the Nintento Switch with his mother.

Calvin was feeling better after he took the nap. With the mushroom soup making him feel better, he was watching a movie on Netflix while Carla and Calvin are playing a game in Nintendo.


Nothing's the same as it used to be

Even my friends can't talk to me

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