
Experiment Log 182

(A/N. I know it is a bit early for an easter type thing but I'm kind of in one of those moods, you know the one, the "I want to do something different this week" mood, so here you are.)

///Notable Named Entities:



The Harvester Rabbit. The Skinless Bunny.


Semi uncontrollable.

///Current Danger Level:


///Potential Danger Level:




///Current Population:


///Current Location:



I wouldn't really call the subject psychopathic or sadistic, despite its actions it sees everything it does as just a "game" instead of some kind of horrific act. The subject is seemingly unable to feel any kind of empathy towards the suffering of others, despite the horrible things it's done and seen the subject shows no sign of regret or knowledge as to the wrong it's committed. Honestly the subject's mentality resembles that of a twisted and somewhat hyperactive child, a child that is seemingly incapable of realizing that what it is doing is wrong.

///Containment Plan:

Once found the subject is to be properly punished for the egg hunting fiasco or "The Festival Of Flesh" as some have been calling it. Additionally if the subject refuses to fall in line and insists on it being allowed to continue its frankly disturbing pass time, Yama is to be allowed to finally put an end to it after so many prior requests to do so.

Unfortunately, because of its rather irritating nature and its seemingly miraculous ability to break free of any kind of prison or containment it is placed within, keeping it in one place for further study would prove rather...difficult to say the least. This small fact truly annoys the hell out of me to no end, I'd rather not have to put it down but containment is close to impossible, however that won't stop me from trying.


Acidic Dominion. [Allows the user to produce and control various types of acids that have different effects. For example, an acid that can break apart most materials known to the world or an acid that is weak at breaking apart materials but can cause incredibly vivid hallucinations if it gets into someone's blood stream.]

Song Of Madness. [The user can release a constant low hum that can barely be heard by most races, those that are within the affected area will have their mental state slowly degraded over time, an effect that grows in intensity the closer they are to the user.]

Claustrophobia. [If the user believes that they have been trapped or confined in any way they will immediately be teleported to a random place outside of said confinement.]

Break Down. [The user can break apart their body into tiny pieces which can move and function on their own. Additionally so long as at least one piece of the user is still functioning and alive they will be able to regenerate given enough time.]

Resistant Coating. [The user's body is covered in a strange blood-like fluid that nullifies most magical based attacks and gives the user resistance towards natural phenomena like extreme heat or cold.]

Eternal Enigma. [All information about the user will decay and disappear over time. This also affects memories to some extent but only blurs them while making it somewhat hard to remember key things about them, such as the user's overall appearance. Do note that this can be negated with certain skills or abilities however.]

Twisted Yolk. [The user can produce multiple chocolate egg-like creatures from the flesh of their own body, these egg-like entities will go through four life stages slowly becoming more and more harmful as time passes by.]


Pain. (Despite its relatively high resistance to damage the subject is terrified of pain and will more then likely flee if it even suspects that it might soon feel pain of any kind, however it usually won't be gone for long.)

Non-magical based attacks. (The subject can be harmed by most physical attacks and other such things that do not rely on magic of any kind, however that doesn't exactly mean that killing it will be easy.)

///Experiment Notes:

Why the fuck I ended up creating this thing is beyond me at this point, honestly I really can't deny the fact that I was a mad scientist back then, mostly because of my many uncontrollable failures. I had hoped it would be useful as a weapon of both infiltration and mass chaos, however instead of what I actually wanted I got stuck with a childish Easter Bunny that thinks murder is the most hilarious thing in the world.

The Harvester Rabbit, or Husk as I started referring to them, is a complete mess on so many levels. When I first brought it into being the subject almost immediately escaped its containment area and began the first of its many "games". Back then I was rather taken by surprise when the subject suddenly disappeared the moment I took my eyes off of it. As for its little "games", well, they resemble a twisted version of an easter egg hunt, an easter egg hunt that usually has no winners.

Using strips of it's own flesh it will create egg like beings that are annoying as fuck to deal with, however in their first life stage they are completely harmless, in fact they can't even move. In fact you can even eat them, they resemble chocolate eggs and taste just the same, the only issue though is if you find out what exactly they are made from.

If left to develop however things change rather quickly as the eggs that remain will soon enter their second stage of life, it's around this time that things start to get rather hectic. The gets will start to rot and transform into a disgusting mockery of a chocolate bunny that can move, see and do everything a normal being can do. For the most part they are still harmless in this form, they can even still be eaten, of course they won't taste very good and will almost definitely cause those that consume them to become incredibly sick but not to the point of death.

The third stage is when things go from slightly weird to down right horrifying. The remaining rabbits will climb to various high places such as rooftops and begin to sing a distorted song, a song that I've been told sounds a lot like dozens of rabbits being shoved into a meat grinder.

Those that hear this song will be met with two possibilities. The first being nothing, nothing happens to them in the slightest, of course this only happens to those who have previously eaten one of the chocolate eggs or chocolate rabbits. Those that haven't eaten them however will be met with the second possibility. They will become hungrier and hungrier, no matter how much they eat the affected will never be filled, although eventually a shift will happen.

I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with this, the people affected will be driven mad and will begin committing acts of extreme cannibalism. Those that had previously eaten the eggs or rabbits will also begin to smell rather appetizing to those said individuals as well, a fact that usually leads to a rather horrifying sight to say the least.

The final life cycle is rather simple, they die. The chocolate rabbits will rot and decay, their bodies will expand spreading over their surroundings while using their victims as nourishment to extend even further. By the end of it all the town, or wherever this took place, is left as nothing but an empty husk of what it once was, every building and street will be covered in chocolate, chocolate that once eaten will show the memories of the people "used" to make it.

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