
What has made him love her?

As soon as Johnson said that, her heart started beating fast... How can she say to him that whoever ruined her life so far is alive? 

How can she say to her husband that the guy who she loved before him and raped her was alive? 

What fate has bought her into? She couldn't tell him neither keep this from him? 

Whoever she thought is her prince charming when she was young has ruined her life... And made her life a living hell... 

What else she can think about? 

She has had an amazing time with her husband from the time he has walked into her life!

Why can't this be like this till the end? 

Why Leo had to come into her life again? 

Why? Just why? 

And even if he has came into her life, he doesn't regret whatever he does to her and in fact, is behind her to take more Revenge? 

What had she done to him that he is behind her without leaving her to live in peace? 

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