
Semi Finals

Next match was Ash vs Suzy .Although Ash won the last match and reached top 8 because he trained his pokemons a little because he had seen Sam training his Charmander and Eevee from a small age. But that amount of training is still not sufficient to let Ash reach Semifinals.

Suzy won the match and advanced to semifinals where her opponent will be Sam. Next day Ash, Misty, Brock and Vivi were sitting in the audience to cheer Sam.

"Ah, I lost, I wanted to battle with Sam." Ash.

"You are much more weaker than him as a trainer." Misty.

"His pokemons are much more powerful and skilled than yours." Brock.

Misty and Brock were busy reprimanding Ash for losing the last match and still talking nonsense. On the other hand Vivi was worried about Sam.

Soon Suzy and Sam came to the their respective positions and referee announced the rules for semifinals. "Both contestants can use six pokemons each and they can replace their pokemons at will. The contestant whose pokemons first fainted will lose and winner will advance to finals."

Sam and Suzy looked at each other and then threw the pokeball at the same time.

"Comeon Draceon." "Go Rhydon"

"Draceon use Dragon Claw" "Rhydon use Horn Attack" Both pokemons clashed with each other and were repelled back.

"Rhydon, Earthquake" Rhydon stomped his feets on ground and produced a strong Earthquake in the field.

"Draceon jump high in the air and use Water Pulse." Draceon jumped high and stayed in air for a while with the help of its wings. Then it condensed water energy in its mouth and sent it towards Rhydon. Rhydon was hit by Water Pulse and stepped back a few steps.

"Rhydon use Hammer Arm." Rhydon ran towards where Draceon was going to land with its hand shining with white light.

"Draceon somersault in air and use that inertia to use Iron Tail." Draceon somersaulted in air and then the Iron Tail collided with Hammer Arm.

"Finish it with Brine." Draceon spurted hot water at high speed towards Rhydon and it was sent back few meters, when Rhydon landed on the ground, it fainted.

"Rhydon us unable to battle, please ask Suzy contestant to replace the pokemon." Referee said.

Suzy took back Rhydon and threw another pokeball. "Go Rapidash" Suzy sent a flaming horse to the field.

"Draceon use Muddy water" "Rapidash use Flame Charge" Rapidash surrounded itself with flames and ran towards Draceon but the Muddy Water prevailed and hit Rapidash.

"Draceon follow up by Dragon Claw." Draceon ran towards Rapidash and hit with enlarged claws. "Don't give Rapidash a chance to act, hit it with Iron Tail." Draceon somersaulted and hit Iron Tail on Rapidash face.

"Rapidash, are you ok? Use Megahorn with full power." "Draceon , Take Down." Rapidash's Horn enlarged due to infusion of energy and it ran towards Draceon at full speed. Draceon also ran towards Rapidash to perform Take Down. Both of them collided raising a lot of dust and when the dust settled, both pokemons had fainted.

"Draceon and Rapidash are unable to battle. Please ask contestants to replace their pokemons." Referee said.

Next, Sam just sent Charizard to sweep up Suzy's rest of the pokemons. As soon as Suzy's last pokemon fainted on the ground, Referee announced, "Contestant Sam wins and advances to Finals."

"And with this, our contestant Sam has reached the finals using only five pokemons till now. No one has seen his sixth pokemon so will we be able to see it in finals." The commentators continued doing his job of raising audience morale.

Sam then left the stadium and met with Ash, Vivi and others, then they all went to see the other semifinal match. A trainer called Andrew was overwhelming his opponent in the second semifinal but he was a bit too arrogant and kept constantly mocking his opponent when he won.

Upon seeing this Sam felt uncomfortable and decided inwardly, 'Looks like I have to teach this Andrew a lesson.'

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