
Page 39: Merits

In merchant city, there's almost no one whose not informed about the spectacular display of flying ships that happened 3 days ago. Many days have already passed and yet it was still the hottest topic that could be heard around the city. However there are those who did not witness or hear a thing about it; either they are prisoners who are separated from the outside world or it must be Long Bai.

After returning from the ordeal at the Hu residence, he shut himself in cultivation and in creating pills. As of now, he was able to create grade 2 and 3 pills which he plans to exchange it with merits at the sect's Exchange Office. After learning that he can use merits to get materials from the sect's weapon sector and skills from the sect's library, he immediately asked elder Mo to take note of the pills that the sect required for exchange.

Long Bai thought of acquiring a stronger weapon and supplemental skills since his last fight with an elder from the Hu residence. Since there are available weapons and skill book he can exchange with merits, this addition of strength would come in handy in the future. Of course, Long Bai doesn't want to ultimately rely on external factors to increase his strength since such methods are very limiting in nature.

Now, although he is part of the alchemy sector who is ridiculed for their weak cultivation, it wasn't the case for Long Bai. Compared to the young children of his age, he has overtaken them by a landslide but since he has the mentality of an adult, for him such level was not enough. Honestly, he even thinks that he was still lacking; lacking in strength and in skills.

Just the day he decided to come out of his room that he learned about the events outside from alchemist Mo. From how alchemist Mo narrated the events, it made Long Bai feel a bit of regret not seeing it however, seeing one in the future might not be too far. So Long Bai did not try to think too much about it.

Right now, Long Bai went to the exchange hall to get some merit points.

Inside the hall, there were other disciples who were looking for the exchange list while there are some who checks other disciples. At the counter, Long Bai presented the pills ready for exchange.

"Senior, these are the pills posted for merit exchange. Please check them."

Long Bai took out five pill bottles, three of them contains the grade 2 berserk pill while the remaining bottle was the life extending pill which all are mid quality. Anyone who looked at the counter were amazed at the quantity of pill presented.

"Whoa! That's a pill bottle that can contain ten pieces of pill in it. Don't tell me he is exchanging 50 pills worth of merits? Big time! Alchemists really have it all. Why didn't I have a talent for it..!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Not everyone has a talent for pill making. This lad must be of high status that was able to learn such skills."

"Hey. If what you said is true, how come we know nothing about him? If he is from such background, he should be well known and yet no one else do."

Disciples who have nothing else to do were discussing about Long Bai's possible background while there were ones who are convinced that he was just a lucky bastard with no background. Something was being brewed behind those discussions as Long Bai waited for his merit points.

As the senior at the counter check the contents, he computed the points and instill the points in a special designed card. Outside of the exchange hall, the Merit Stone glowed a new name and in the thousandth place, Long Bai's name appeared. Some disciples saw the change but didn't bother checking it as it was just in the thousand place. Every month, mostly of the senior disciples' ranks are being updated due to their continuous works in and out of the sect. It was a normal occurrence.

At the counter, Long Bai thought of presenting another pill which may be exchanged. Maybe there will be more credits with a higher quality pill.

"Senior, I still have here with me life extending pill but with a different quality from the required one. How much merit will I get if I exchange it?"

"Hm. Boy, if it is lower than a mid grade, the merit points will be halved. Although it is still the life extending pill, it can only provide a year or two at maximum worth of vitality. If ots me, just take it instead. You would need it more than this counter."

"Senior, what if its a high grade quality? How much will it provide?"

The senior at the counter was taken aback by Long Bai's words. To have a high quality of the life extending pill, it would be a great news. Only grade 4 alchemists are reported to successfully make one.

"If you have it with you, this senior will happily exchange it. The sect will exchange it with double the points of the mid grades."

Long Bai did not hesitate to bring out five pills of high quality and placed on the counter. After the senior made input of the merit points into the merit car, Long Bai gave his thanks.

"Kid, I will not ask the origin of these pills. I'll just warn you that people might get jealous of your fortune. Be careful out there."

Long Bai was appreciative of the warning the senior gave to him. Without wasting time, he immediately headed to the Weapon Hall. While he travels to his destination, he noticed four youths who are following him. With the distance between them, Bai speculated that they are making some observations, gathering information for whatever plans they have later. Near the site where he left, the disciples began to crowd near the merit stone as they noticed someone jumped from the thousand place to the 700'th place. Such a huge leap would definitely make one ask about the nature of the exchange of merit. People began to take notice of the name imprinted on the stone.

At the entrance of the weapon hall, a custodian stopped him and asked his business. It was a middle aged man who looked strict with his straight face.

"Senior, I would like to exchange some merits to some equipments. Here is my card."

Long Bai flashed his card and the custodian allowed him to enter.

"You look like an alchemist. The first floor contains grade 1 and 2 equipments including weapons and armors. The second floor contains grade 3 ones. Be reminded that you are not allowed to enter the last floor. Entering it requires permission from the sect leader."

Long Bai went straight to the second floor without glancing at the first floor equipments. With his current level, grade 1 weapons won't be able to keep up with him amd with the merit points he have now, it would be possible for him to exchange it for a grade 3 weapon since what he have is worth of a regular disciple's year of contribution. Upon reaching the second floor, Bai only saw a few numbers of equipments on the shelves. If he's to count them, they might be only around 50 items. Using the system, he was able to scan and check the quality of the weapon section. Among the selections, only one showed up to be good.

[Silver- hilted Rapier

Quality: Sky grade

Nature: Non-elemental

*A downgraded weapon of the heaven grade due to a failed integration of the heavenly essence. Although it fell into the sky grade, its toughness is matchless under the same grade due to experiencing a baptism from a heavenly essence.]

Aside from it matches his martial skill set, it was not that expensive. Since he have 2300 merit points and the sword was 1000 merit points, it was a bargain for him.

'Hmm? I wonder why no one opted for this weapon. The design is good and the quality is better than most of the items here. The only thing that's more expensive than this is that huge black sword named Mountain Cleaver. I bet that sword must be heavy. It must be tiring to use such sword.'

Long Bai took the rapier and proceeded down stairs to exchange it. Upon presenting, he learned something about the rapier.

"Are you sure you want this? It has been sitting here collecting dust for almost my entire stay at the sect and no one had foolishly try to get this. No one even know the origin of this sword. Do you know? ....

It seems you're not yet aware but our sect does not have any martial skill that can cater to this weapon. Anyone who would try to wield a weapon without the proper skill set is just like a child who swings a stick. Think again."

Now, Long Bai know why such weapon was not taken. However, if they'll learn about its origin, they might have treated it differently.

"Senior, I am firm with my decision. If I won't be able to hold it after trying, I'll return this here and choose another. Will senior allow that?"

Although he said that, there's no returning for him since it matches his skills. It was just a polite way of getting out from such predicament.

"Alright. I'll give you a week to try that and if you think its not worth it, you may return it. If you missed the deadline, I won't take that back anymore. Train diligently."

After Long Bai gave his greetings, he immediately went straight to the library. With the raining merit points, he decided to learn some supplemental skills.

weapon grades

-yellow grade

-earth grade

-sky grade

-heaven grade

*to be updated*

ifyouseekayepleasecreators' thoughts
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