
The Siege of New Hope (part-3)

A beast that looked like a large reindeer stepped on a particular spot on the ground which caused a small cylindrical container to jump up from the ground before it exploded taking huge chunks from the creature as well as grievously injuring any and all that stood near it, but before the injured creatures could react they were trampled by those who were behind them as they dashed towards the wall.

Ciara looked towards the charging beasts as she took aim before she shouted out, "Take aim!", and then after a few seconds she bellowed out again, "FIRE!!!!!"

Ciara's shout was accompanied by a hail of various kinds of attacks ranging from magical to arrows, and then bullets.

Ileana winced at the large sound of the autocannon firing so close to her while she made sure the chain of rounds being feed smoothly inside of the autocannon.

Ryan's attention was drawn towards another direction as he gaped at Xuelong, especially at the weapon she was running around with.

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