"BUT I don't like how they look," Neoma complained while looking at the black dog with two heads. With its unusual size for a dog, plus the bloodshot eyes, it didn't look cute. Well, it lived up to its name as "helldog" because it really looked intimidating. Still, that wasn't her style. "Can't you change its appearance and make them look like a Shiba Inu?"
Trevor raised a brow at her. "Excuse me?"
"I used to have a Shiba Inu back in my second life," she said. "His name was Dal."
"What do I get in return if I change the helldog's appearance?" he asked with a smirk. "Demons don't work for free."
"I knew it," she said while clicking her tongue. "You're a demon."
He shrugged. "That's what they call beings who work for the Devil. I don't really care what I'm called since I know what I am– and that's the only thing that matters."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: