
Chapter 22

Layla groans while letting her head fall on the armchair, creating a loud thud as she does, with her hands on the sides of her head, grabbing a fistful of her hair, trying to let out her anger and trying to get rid of her thoughts to leave her mind alone. She's frustrated about the incident earlier but, being who she is, she pretended to actually look fine.

She's mad at herself for not standing up for herself but she was weak and she honestly couldn't do anything but to keep a straight face as if she wasn't affected by his words and turned away to do hers and Liv's tasks. She is pained by Sir Kingsley's harsh words and it affected her deeply even though she's good at pretending that she isn't. She almost believed that she isn't affected.

With that being said, she is letting out her emotions right now that have been inside her while her classmates are busy doing their own thing. She's trying to forget about the incident that caused her to be angry. She is acting like a madwoman and she is getting angrier because of it.

She peeked through her lashes to see if anybody noticed her and they're still busy so she sighed in relief and goes back to what she's doing, letting the thud sound fill up her ear with the noisiness of her classmates. Alex stared at her, brows furrowed with worry, lips frowning while his arms are crossed on his chest, leaning back on the wall with half of their girl classmates population admire his handsomeness. Layla didn't notice Alex. He is observing her silently, trying to figure out what's behind her frustration and why she is hurting herself like that. He knows that Layla, for most of the time, wants to be alone, without anybody bothering her so he just watched her with worry. Layla was tough to crack, she is great at hiding her true emotions behind her kindness and a straight face. So right now, somebody must have damaged her real bad for her to be in that condition. She is still hard to decipher if you can really see her, you'll never know what's running inside her mind unless she shows what she feels, she also doesn't show much of an expression that made her all confusing.

Alex, based on his observations, knows that most of the time Layla hides her emotions but sometimes, she lets some of her emotions out because she doesn't want her emotions to be overflowing inside her. She purposely let somebody know she isn't fine so they can either leave her alone or help her. She is using that way to silently scream for help.

Alex let out a snort and shakes his head in disbelief. "But right now, she's hurting herself, being way too obvious for her liking." He muttered under his breath so one can hear him. He silently chuckled and watched as Layla bang her head down on the armchair with concern for his friend and amusement.

Alex forcefully tore his eyes away from Layla when someone tapped him on his arm. He looked at Liv and he immediately noticed her guilty look because he hasn't seen her like that before. He's used to seeing her being energetic and bubbly. "What is it?" Alex asked her as Liv approached him with guilt.

"Nothing. I just realized how much truly terrifying Sir Kingsley is because he will analyze each and every one of us until he knows our weaknesses and uses it against us." Liv told, avoiding his eyes as she spoke. Liv had promised Layla not to tell anyone about what happened and Liv is keeping her promise because she feels guilty enough for saying too much. She wanted Layla to trust her with that and she doesn't want Layla to be mad at her although Layla isn't. She even told Liv that it's not her fault because she was trying to help and that nobody is responsible for whatever comes out of Sir Kingsley's mouth other than himself. That he chose to speak those cruel words when he could have just bite down whatever it is he really wanted to say and choose not to hurt anybody.

Alex looked at her weirdly. "Why are you suddenly telling me this?"

Liv shrugged. "Just wanted to share that information and I don't have anything else better to do so why not talk about Sir Kingsley?"

Alex with furrowed brows, still looked at her weirdly but dropped the subject. He looked at Layla again, surprisingly, she is now resting her head on her hands, brows furrowed, a huge frown on her lips with groans coming out of her mouth in frustration.

Layla saw Liv and Alex talking near her so she fixed herself before anybody could notice her and combed her hair with her fingers but it's too tangled up, hard to comb with just her fingers because of fisting it tightly. She grabbed her comb out of her bag and stood up, tucking her hair behind her ears to hide the messiness of her hair.

She just couldn't forget what happened and she is now realizing how fucked up she is and looks like so she is heading to the restroom to fix and compose herself back to normal. She still remembers what Sir Kingsley has told her before she and Liv could walk out of the library after finishing their tasks.

"Layla, as much as I find you a huge disappointment, somehow, teachers and parents are fond of you and they want you to be at the meeting on Monday if that's okay with you. They specifically told me to ask you if you wanted to come and they thought that because I'm horrifying, you'll be scared and agree with no hesitation, but I doubt that. Even so, I informed you just in case you want to come. But please, don't feel pressured into coming at the meeting because you're not needed there anyway, they just want you to be there." He said before turning away and focused himself on the books.

She still remembers the small smirk, that curled up his lips for a second before he turned around. Layla huffed in annoyance and made herself to lose the control of her anger, hand fisting, brows pinched together while clenching her teeth inside her mouth, frustrated with the devil. She just let out her anger and she hasn't realized that.

Alex leaned into her, causing her to jump and looked around, stopping her tracks as the realization hits her to see if anyone noticed her but they thankfully didn't so she released a shaky sigh. Alex leaned next to her ear and whispered: "You're too noticeable. Control yourself if you don't want anyone to notice you."

Layla smiles softly and looked at him, pretending to look fine, trying to fool him. "I don't know what you're saying, Alex."

Alex looked at her directly into her eyes and gave a look. "If you're worried about me, bothering you, don't because I won't. I'm only saying that you should control yourself before anyone else can see what is underneath that stupid smile."

She knew she couldn't fool him because it's too late but she did anyway so right now she just mouthed a thank you and placed her hand on his arm, lightly giving it a squeeze before walking out of the room.

Alex watched over her as she walks being cautious of her in case somebody wants to approach her or notice her until she was far enough that his eyes can't see her. He goes back to being peaceful and leaned his back again on the wall while still not noticing how busy her classmates are admiring him. Liv wasn't there beside him to witness what just happened because someone called for her before she and Alex could start any real conversations.

Layla goes inside the restroom and combed her messy hair while scowling and taking deep breaths so she'll be okay while staring at her reflection in the mirror who is silently telling her don't be weak in the presence of Si Kingsley because that'll only enlighten him more and give him the excitement what he wants from her. She refuses to let anyone do that to her but with Sir Kingsley, she hated him so much that she couldn't think properly when he's around her.

A girl's footsteps could be heard, running towards the restroom, she is rushed and Layla looked at her in confusion. The girl rushed to one of the stalls and looked at Layla before completely closing the door, shutting it off to give her the privacy that she needs.

Layla looked away and washed her face awkwardly as she guessed the reason why the girl was rushing, that she probably doing her business inside the stall. She felt embarrassed for herself, mostly. Sounds of farts can be heard around the room and the smell filled the room while Layla's cheeks and ears flushed, shifting glances around the room. But instead of doing what most people do when someone is 'doing their business' inside a public restroom, covering their nose in disgust and think critically inside their minds while scrunching up their nose before rushing out of the restroom after they're done with whatever it is they're doing, she picked up a roll of tissue beside the sinks, where the sanitary and essentials that the girls need are; napkins, tampons, tissue, and a few other things.

She didn't want the girl to feel more embarrassed so she didn't want to call her out or suddenly speak to her while she's in the middle of doing her business and in the halfway of getting through the embarrassment because the girl knew that Layla is there. Layla swallowed the forming lump in her throat and wiped the sweat and the droplets of water that rolled off on her forehead with the back of her available hand, leaving her hand wet while her fingers are picking on the hem of her blouse.

"Uh..." She started, trying to get noticed by the girl but the girl didn't answer and only loud farts surrounded the room, causing Layla to silently laugh and shake her head in disbelief while her cheeks reddened more than ever.

"President! You're still there, right? Do you mind handing me tissues?" The girl whispered loudly and Layla could almost imagine the embarrassment that must be feeling but regardless of that, she's brave enough to ask Layla for tissues. Layla didn't know her but she seems to know Layla as a class president.

Layla nodded and quickly walked towards the front of the stall that she is in, like Layla knows exactly that there is no tissue in there so she acted quickly to grab the roll of tissue. The restroom is big, bigger, and fancier than normal public restrooms so when Layla got in front of the stall, the smell went stronger and she just tried her best to feel okay and not be rude towards the poor girl.

Layla's squats down and hands out the roll of tissue through space below. "Here it is." The girl quickly takes it and squealed out thanks.

"I'm sorry! I ate too much cheese because of my friend! I was dared to and this is the result." She exclaimed a little too loudly.

"It's fine, things like this happens and it's completely normal for humans. Just be careful, yeah?" Layla smiles even though she could not see her while standing up and walking over the sinks.

"Yeah, thanks. I suggest you go before this can get any worse because I don't think I'll stop any sooner." As she said that another fart comes out, causing her to squeal in embarrassment and Layla chuckled. "See? Now go!"

Layla nodded again and grabbed her comb on the sink before walking towards the door. She locked the inside and checked to make sure it's locked before turning and speaking. "I'll go now but I locked the door and only you can open it so one can come in in case you'll be here for a long time. And I'll make sure no can come in until you're done."

"Thanks a lot!" Layla closed the door and double-checked the door again and smiled.

"Hey, why'd you locked that door?" Layla turned around to see a janitress with a scowl on her face, looking at Layla with a glare.

Layla only smiled at her. "Someone is busy doing their thing there and I'll leave it be if I were you. Just don't disturb her."

The janitress's eyes soften and nodded. "Sure, honey." Then she gave Layla smile before walking away.

Layla has the ability to do that, turning mean people to act nice towards her but it has no avail with Sir Kingsley. It's not like she wanted him to be nice to her anyway, she just wanted him to leave her alone and don't use her weaknesses against her.

Hi! So if anyone of you has read my previous shitty version of this chapter, I know you're all disappointed but I decided to change it because I had to add a new character. This will probably look shitty still but I tried improving it and completely replacing it. Bye! Stay safe, loves!

Penguinnecreators' thoughts
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