

"Hiya Harry!!" Ron said as he came over and was about to sit down but saw that there wasn't any room for him

So he decides to just try to speak to him from there

"I can't believe you weren't in Gryffindor! But I bet if you asked the headmaster he can change your house. It will be as it should be and you can come and be with the best house." He said out loud as Harry just stayed quiet not wanting to get involved with his conversation.

Although Harry didn't want anything to do with this idiot. Hermione on the other hand didn't like the way the prick was insinuating that his house is the best

(A:N keep in mind they are still young)

"What makes your house the best house?" She asked

"Hmph I wasn't speaking to you, but if you must know it's because that is where all the best wizards are from. Besides Professor dumbledore is from Gryffindor as well" he finished with a smug look

"Your point is? I still can't see what is so special about dumbledore that him being a previous resident of house Gryffindor makes it better?" She asked again but with more irritation due to rons smug face as if he knew something that she didn't.

"Well duh he defeated the dark lord gryndle whatever his name is" the red head said showing his actual capacity of not knowing the name of a well known dark wizard

"Your point is inconclusive. And also it's like your saying the dragon house is better since Harry is in there. If you look at it, through your perspective he defeated you know who, he was much younger than dumbledore and he is more famous since everyone knows who he is. I bet many Muggleborn students knew about Harry Potter before they knew who dumbledore even was." Hermione finished

Hearing this Ron stayed quite but you can tell he was getting mad by the shade of his skin turning red.

"Well yeah I bet they would know the famous Harry Potter only mudbloods like you wouldn't understand how great albus dumbledore is!" Ron exclaimed forgetting the main reason he was there In the first. Which is becoming friends with Harry and convincing him to switch houses, but what he didn't expect was a pissed off Harry Potter

As Harry heard that moron call Hermione like that he just let loose and got up as quick as he can.

The last thing Ron saw was a pissed off Harry and the thought of him beings friends was instantly out the door as He saw a fist coming towards his face.

With a right hook from Harry Ron was dazed. Then with a second hit coming right after. Harry began to pummel Ron. With all the hits coming in Ron lost consciousness and fell down. But with a still pissed of Harry already on him throwing punch after punch. Not caring about the blood he was already seeing.

But as Harry was hitting Ron he felt a surge of energy coming his way and all of a sudden his body turned stiff and he fell on the floor.

POV change

All day dumbledore has been feeling irritated that he couldn't get his way ever since Harry has arrived even Professor Mcgonagall has been staring at him with a pissed of face.

All through the morning he kept thinking of a way to at least get back some sort of payback or find a way to ease his anger

Just as he was thinking about this he heard a commotion coming from the new house table and as he saw the kids arguing and the climax of the things he said to himself 'I'll show that little prick some discipline' as he gets close to the commotion and casts a spell at Harry's back causing him to fall down. But he forgot that Harry had friends unlike how he was expecting him to not have.

Hermione seeing Harry stop in motion got to him and looked around to see who was responsible for the attack. As she turned her head she saw albus too many names dumbledore was the one responsible.

Getting her shit together she rises up and says with anger

"What the hell do you think you are doing dumbledore casting a spell on Harry. You sir are attacking a lord of house Potter and I wil... was all she was able to say as she saw albus casted a spell at her as well but as she was bracing herself for the impact it never arrived but what she did see was Harry standing in front of her as he casted a shield spell stopping that spell from hitting Hermione

"Well old man you dare to attack me from behind I would have been mad at that but now you tried stupefying Hermione now I'm pissed" Harry said as he was letting his magic run wild and the people around him were feeling the pressure coming from him

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