
1000 years in prison III

For the following three years, all Cyra did was cultivated in the middle of the circle. The Shadow Essence that was concentrated in there was enormous because it didn't know what she did. As long as she was in the middle, it would flood inside her body.

She eventually broke through from the realm of Awaken Hun to that of a Golden Hun.

Due to this flood during these three years, the Tylium flowing inside her body was also affected and left the body in smaller portions to house the Shadow Essence. This way naturally created Shadow Crystals began to grow around her.

These Crystal gave her a new power as with these Crystals. She could bring back the dead. She learned about these from the Shadow, who taught her unlike the Shadow Essence in her body, the Shadow Crystals contained even more power. Still, those who will be reviewed will be bound to the person who created the Crystal.

Shadow Crystals were artifacts on their own as they could bring back anyone to life. The only price you had to pay was your freedom, as the moment you used it, you will be bound.

Cyra spent another ten years creating even more of these Shadow Crystals. This act further increased her cultivation to 3%. Then she headed inside deeper.

After leaving the room, she headed even deeper down the shrine. In the depths of the darkness were five coffins lying in the dark.

Walking to the closest, Cyra opened it up and saw a skeleton inside, nothing out of the ordinary other than the fact that it didn't contain any Shadow Essence.

She pulled out a Shadow Crystal and placed it directly inside the skull than she used her Axe to force out a drop of her blood.

Upon its contact with the skeleton, Cyra's mind was flooded with visions of the past. Pictures of history that was once dark mystery now became Crystal clear as she gazed upon the corpse.

[As a young cultivator, a follower of the all-mighty anchor Achlys had a bright future ahead of her, yet she ventured into the temple forbidden area and came in contact with Shadow Essence, for a time, everything was all right until one day the high priest of the church banished her for learning from the dark arts.

For a long time, she was alone until Death came into her life and gave her life a new meaning, something to live for, something she could rely on, someone who could understand her.

Soon from a simple follower, she rose through the cult's ranks to once more meet Death, but it was already too late as it has left.

She waged war against the church of anchor until she used up the last bits of her Shadow Essence, and the followers of Death have retreated to the Shrine of Death.

Since then, she has been waiting for the moment when Death has manifest once more and show his powers to the world once again.]

Soon Cyra was Awakened from the dream, and with her, Achlys also came back. As she woke up, the coffin was broken to shreds. She also possessed the killing intent of someone who killed trillions. Cyra was sure that this Woman was a deity.

The moment Cyra sensed this killing intent, she sat down and cultivated using every second of the fear she felt to push her cultivation further.

For a long time, she couldn't move from fear Achlys saw, it saw Cyra, but she also saw Cyrus, the actual manifestation of Death was sitting right before her, realizing that her new Death was using her to train filled her with utmost joy.

Under pressure, Cyra quickly advanced to the realm of Crowned Hun while pushed her cultivation even further until it stopped at 19%.

She looks at Achlys, who was still in such a sorry state; she picked her up and headed to the circle of Shadows as her body was flooded once more, she channeled the Shadow Essence inside her body.

She slowly began to recover as a deity. She needed much more energy than she initially expected to restore her to the realm of Conqueror Nogais consumed every bit of Shadow Essence that the shrine had to offer.

Seeing this, Cyra went back to fetch the other four coffins and placed them inside the earth's book as it was safer for them in there.

Cyra couldn't help but ask, "How strong were you actually when you were alive?"

"How may I call you, my lord?" Inquired Achlys as she didn't want to offend the beast that she was facing.

"Cyra or the weird one, I like both of them." Chuckled Cyra as she looked at the scared little deity. This way was indeed the best method to keep followers as she knew that she could never indeed kill her. "So?"

"Oh, the mighty weird one, in my prime, I was a First Beat Crawling Catalyst Deity, among the 5 Death Hands I was the strongest after Lord death.

"Oh, is that so?" Cyra began to wander once more than started walking towards the exit. As she did this, Achlys closely followed behind her.

Having cleared the Graveyard world, Cyra had no longer any point in staying here; spending 25 years during this adventure was more than worth it.

She still had 31 years left. She decided to go back every 100 years to make sure she was there if they have checked on her still being in the cell or still being alive.

She eventually dropped Achlys down at the first shrine to stay together with her discipline. If possible, teach Azrail, it was only natural for a family to do that as she used her blood to Awaken Achlys from her slumber. She was also granted the family name of Ember.

Then she returned to the Graveyard World's Shadow and continued her descent towards the remaining four shrines.

The next time Cyra stopped when she reached level 6666, at level 6666 alone, the population was so dense that Cyra was incapable of progressing on the streets. In the end, she began cutting down the people; her massacre was welcomed with cheers as the other people would finally receive some food.

She didn't care and obliterated everything that came in her way. Her body slowly filled up with Shadow Essence, and after half a year of killing, she couldn't take more. At that moment, she disappeared and gave channeled all the Essence into Achlys's body, helping her recover her strength to that of a deity.

Cyra eventually began asking people if they knew anything about a shrine, but the only answer she got was, "Let the angels guide you on your path!" And with that, killing became much more comfortable as nobody could help her speed up her killing.

She wasn't alone as Achlys was following closely behind her receiving her master gift. The Shadow Essence of this quality quickly raised her strength back to its peak.

Ten years later, she fully regained her strength and could follow her master wherever she went while giving Cyra enormous support.

When High Priestess Achlys fully regained her strength, she could instantly locate the shrine through the Shadows teleported while holding Cyra in her arms.

When they arrived, even the shrine itself was surrounded by people, but instead, it was almost empty. Shadow Essence's density was so high that even without any technique, creatures of the darkness roamed this holy shrine.

Seeing this, Cyra directly pulled out the 2nd coffin and proceeded to do the ritual similar to the last time.

While Cyra was busy, Achlys was guarding her. She changed during the time she spent with Azrail. Her dark robes have been replaced by a robe starting from the bottom with black, then maroon, brown, orange, and white. On the back of her robes was Ember written with Golden characters. It was the robes that Azrail created for the Ember sect.

In the meantime, Cyra once again received the visions.

[Nero was a young warrior from the Aqua clan, for a long time, all he knew was battle until he came face to face with Death since then Nero followed after many deaths as Death possessed countless incarceration through the years, he was always faithful and will be faithful as long as the incarnation is worthy of the title.]

"This was shorter than what I expected." Exclaimed Cyra as she jumped to her feet and walked to Ashly's side, "Now that I think about it, that robe suits you." Then Cyra began walking inside deeper, missing Achlys blushing face.

The Awakening of Nero was just as expected, but the effects were even more surprising as she sucked dry the shrine in a matter of minutes.

When he came to his senses, he was back to his full strength. The first thing that he noticed immediately after his vision has cleared were Achly's robes and couldn't help him self and blurred out."That's so ugly. Where did you even get that?"

To this, Achlys slapped Nero through the shrine. He broke apart hundreds of buildings until he smashed into a traveling hole wall."Ouch, I just woke up. There is no need to be so hard-handed."

Nero jumped back next to Achlys to suffer the same fate five times in a row until he learned his lesson and decided to keep a moderate distance from her.

Meanwhile, Cyra has returned as whatever was inside this shrine must have been stolen a long time ago.

She looked at Achlys once more, but this time she mimicked her clothes, and she also changed into the Ember robes while she threw one for Nero.

With two deities awaken, she eventually pulled out the remaining three coffins and, one by one, began to perform the rituals.

The 3rd coffin belonged to Ares, the most famous Shadow Warlord. He never knew Death but always delivered it. From a young age until the end of his life, he never feared it, as it was bound to happen as such, he accepted it as a true warrior.

Then, he was revived more than any other hand of Death as most incarnations of Death used the power to wage war as such, the others were unnecessary for them.

Yet even he was shocked upon witnessing what gained the right to be the incarnation of Death this time, this thing made his blood boil with endless fighting spirit.

The 4th coffin belonged to the Balor archon of Death. He was the one who governed the people of Death; those looking for eternal life all came to him.

Among the 5 of them, he is the most clever and known as the worst of the five as he found the great pleasure of using the living as clothes. Their skin would make him even more beautiful as such, he was feared.

He had no problem accepting the beast as the incarnation of Death as it only meant that he wasn't the worst thing out there, justifying most of his sins.

The 5th and last coffin were housing the Shadow Master Hel, like many others, has followed after deaths after deaths, yet even she never met an immortal being like their current lord.

Seeing that all 3 of them have awakened, Cyra turned to Nero and Achlys, "Go kill massacre everyone on this level. I want them back on their full strength."

"As you wish, master!" Both of them replied, then disappeared to accomplish Cyra's commands.

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