
Lake Family

The supervisor who has previously traded with Cyra almost fainted. Then he had to call the higher-ups to decide what to do with the item.

Luckily the Lake family little princess was nearby with other business and could take over from him.

"What happened? Why did you call me here in such a hurry? I had an important business."

"I... I... didn't know what else to do, one of the gods wants to trade high-quality Tylium, we already made a deal for 30% percent purity, but the current one is way too high."

"What percentage 50 or 60?"

"Please this way, princess, it's noted safe talking here."

The supervisor led the princess to the Lake family's Private room and began to explain.

"God has offered 1 Gram of 98% pure Tylium."

"You did a great service to my family by calling me. Tylium is an incredibly scarce fuel and cultivation recourse as it contains immense energy."

"What is the Exchange rate of 98%?"

"1 Gram for 500 000 000 credit."

"Lead the way. I will personally make the deal."

Soon the door to Cyra chambers has opened, and the princess has walked in. She much resembled Jade; this was the reason why she didn't make a fuss about this.


"Princess Lotus Lake at your service, oh great God, I hurried her the moment your request reached me, and we would gladly trade with you!"

Not long after that, she said that Cyra indeed received a large amount of money.

[Credit: 286 400 320] -> [Credit: 786 400 320]

She started to wonder if she ever used her 5th Sphere ability to kill people, would they die from joy or greed?

"Do you have [Frost Blood]?

"Yes, we auction 20 liters as the main item. Are you interested in it?"

"Yes, that's the only reason I came here?"

"Do you know where could I get more?"

"That's I don't know, our patriarch acquired that item."

"Is it possible for me to meet him?"

"Yes, of course, miss, I will personally introduce you to him."

"Thank you."

"It's nothing. That's what I should do. Please continue to enjoy the auction. I have other things to do."

"Alright." With that said, Cyra turned back her head towards the stage, but her senses stayed on Lotus.

"John, is it?"

"Yes, princess."

"Who is our strongest guest?"

"Mr.Rhino, in private room 6, he is a Golden God."

"Go ask him to try to determinate Miss Cyra's strength."

"Right away."

Oh... is she wondering to rob me, interesting?

"Princess Mr.Rhino said that Cyra is probably stronger than him."

"Well, never mind then. How long till the main items will be auctioned."

"Maybe an hour depends on the bidders."

"All right, if there is nothing else I will leave, tell me when the [Frost Blood] is on the auction I will come back."

"As you wish."

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Now with everything out of the way, let's move on towards our auction main item, [Frost Blood]. The Lake Family recently obtained this, and they are willing to part with it, said the auctioneer.

"It would be weird if they kept the [Frost Blood]."

"Yes, stronger gods are willing to kill for it. It would be suicidal keeping such an item!"

"They are clever in trying to auction it."

The primes began to talk without an end, and the auction became rather noisy.

"Everyone, please quiet down and let us continue."

"The starting bid of this item is 5 000 000 Credit!"

-6 000 000-

-17 000 000-

-100 000 000-

-110 000 000-

-112 000 000-

-150 000 000-

Within minutes the [Frost Blood] price has skyrocketed; this was the moment when Cyra decided to join in.

-200 000 000-

She was sure to win with such a bid and didn't think much of it, the action was anonymous, and nobody knew who bid; even the items were delivered in absolute secrecy.

"200 000 000, Once"

"200 000 000, Twice."

"Sold, congratulations for the rich buyer who managed to buy the [Frost Blood]"

As the auctioneer prepared to bring down the item from the stage, a god from private room number 2 jumped on the stage and tried to snatch it.

She released all her might, and one sphere appeared to circulate her. She was an Awakened God.

But this was all in vain as Cyra followed closely behind her. The moment she landed, she stripped of both of her arms and beheaded her on the stage.

The auctioneer was enraged and screamed at Cyra, "Didn't you pay attention to what I said? No killing allowed here! Guards!"

"I didn't kill anyone."

"Don't play dumb, I saw u, even they saw u, everyone here saw you kill her!"

"That's right!"

"We saw everything!"

Cyra waved her hand, and her information has appeared before everyone else.


[Bounty: 0 Credits]

[News: No criminal history]

"That doesn't mean anything we saw u!"

"Is that so?" One by one, she released all of her spheres, and 5 of them were levitating behind her back."

"I'm dead" Gulped down his Silva, the auctioneer, then attempted to run.

He died from Cyra acid spit on the spot as half of his body melted down to dust.

While the primes were surprised by the chain of events, the other gods quickly slipped away; even Mr.Rhino had to run as he was no match for a Conqueror God.

The moment Lotus arrived back, the supervisor informed her about the turn of events and led her towards the Cyra room.

Cyra didn't leave as of yet instead asked for a room to stay inside; the moment she received the [Frost Blood], she began to digest it, but it took some time.

The moment Lotus stepped inside her room, she managed to consume the last portion of [Frost Blood] without any issues.

[Frost Blood] [20/200]

"Mrs. Cyra, I am puzzled; why are we still alive?"

"I need more of this [Frost Blood] since I have no god ways to extract information from the dead, I might as well as a friend who is alive? So where is your patriarch?"

"Please follow me."

Together with Lotus, Cyra headed to the patriarch living quarters as visiting the family in the open would cause discord.

Because Cyra didn't start a massacre, everything stayed a secret, and even words didn't spread as she showed she didn't kill anyone.

Primes were scared of gods; they didn't dare to spread the events that transpired at the Lake auction house.

Soon Cyra met the patriarch, she guessed that he would be somewhat more substantial than her, but it wasn't the case here.

The patriarch was a Kir, it was an above Conqueror God, but it was only slightly more robust.

System what is the name Kir origin?

[Probably the Family name of the first person who reached the next realm.]

"Welcome Cyra to my home." Said the patriarch with a broad smile and given a hand to her.

"Thank you, Mr.Dave."

"Stalking is a bad habit."

"Look who is talking. Anyways since we already know each other names, Let's get down to business."

"Alright, what do you need from me?"

"[Frost Blood] I need a lot of it. Both Lotus and Jade told me that you know where I can get some."

"I'm surprised you meet both of my daughters."

"[Frost Blood]"

"Alright, alright, no need to be so impatient. During one of my adventures, I came across a secret research facility on level 1568. They were actively producing [Frost Blood]."

"How did you get so little?"

"Little, I think I got plenty. It just I was severely injured there and had to run away. I'm still injured. That's why I sold the [Frost Blood] as I'm unable to defend it in my injured state."

"Sentimental foul."

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

Even during her way here, Cyra was thinking of killing the patriarch, but when they have shaken hands, she successfully marked him.

On top of that, he has now told her that he was injured. Such, there was no reason to continue playing around. The friend told her everything that she needed.

A dead man seemed to suit her much more as such by controlling the mark. She stuffed the patriarch's hand on his mouth, then used her RF3 to execute him silently.

She threw the body in the book of Earth and took everything useful, then walked out of the front door as if nothing has happened.

Cyra was caught up by a commotion that was happening in the family garden on her way out. Some of the elders saw her leaving the patriarch room. They invited her to watch the show together with them.

Since the patriarch was dead and couldn't feel anyone stronger in her surroundings, she agreed and followed behind them.

Owen and Lotus caused the commotion; it seemed that they weren't exactly friends with each other.

"Why are they fighting?"

"Lotus just killed her sister; Jade is over there."


Cyra walked to Jade's side and checked her pulse; she was barely hanging there. She pulled out medicine that she obtained from the patriarch and stuffed it in her mouth.

Then started walking towards the other Gods of the family. Because most of them were overseeing the fight, she could easily take care of them.

The Lake Family had one Kir and 5 Gods present at the family. Since gods seemed to be the pillars of these underground families, she dedicated no other gods who could cause problems.

Cyra swiftly killed these guys, and she threw them inside her storage for now. When the fight was about to end, Cyra was back at her original spot watching the fight.

"Why did you kill her? Answer me, or I will kill you!"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me?"

On second thought, this is a waste of time; I'm only slightly interested in Jade.

With that said, Cyra massacred everyone in the family garden and took Jade inside. While she was waiting for her to wake up, she robed the family treasures and removed everything movable from the house.

The moment Jade woke up, she was confronted by the bloody sight of their garden, and then she said, "So beautiful, it's like a dream." Then rushed out and jumped into a pile of blood, creating a blood angel.

Soon she realized that she wasn't alone. Cyra was sitting on the rooftop playing with snow.

"Oh my God, I wasn't expected you to arrive here so fast; I'm not ready yet."

"It's alright. Do you wanna be my discipline?"

"Yes, I would love to!"

"This is your home?"

"Yes, I lived here since I was born."

"Burn it down, then I will accept you."



With that said, Cyra walked to the entrance and waited for Jade.

As she was waiting, a somewhat bigger crowd has gathered around her; she couldn't help but ask, "What happened? Why are you guys here?"

"You don't know?"

"We were invited here by the lake Family to celebrate princess Jade's special day."

"Special day? What's that?"

"I don't know; it must be a surprise for the guests."

Soon the gates were open, and hundreds of guests poured into the Lake Family's inner halls.

"Welcome, everyone; I'm so happy that you could arrive here on such short notice, for that I would like to give everyone a gift." Said Jade as she walked inside the hall in a night-blue dress.

"We just arrived, and we are already getting gifts; the Lake family is something else."

"That's right, but it's normal since they are the biggest family, after all."

"Look, that must be princess Jade."

"So elegant and beautiful just as it was expected."

"I have been sent to burn down the Lake family by my master, as a grand celebration, please burn for me!"

The green flames rushed through the ceiling and trapped more than a thousand primes and a few gods inside.

Even though gods were stronger than primes and mortals, even they couldn't escape the flames.

Jade happy to run to Cyra then kneeled before her, "Discipline Greets Master."

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