
This Hero Can't Find Tael!

This is bad.

This is bad. This is bad. This is bad.

I've waited a few minutes for Tael just in case he was out watering the grass for a moment, but he hasn't returned yet. I doubt he's just messing with me.

Judging by how dark it is and how long I was in that sleeping bag, I would say that it's probably around two in the morning. My equipment is still sitting right by the fire where I left it, so we weren't robbed or anything. What do I do?

Okay... I need to calm down. Take some deep breaths. When something unexpected happens, you need to think!

Okay, when bad things would happen to me, like when I got a bad grade or my raid would fail, I needed to compartmentalize my thoughts. I need to do an assessment and go point by point.

First: Is Tael gone? I can't call out for him because it might bring the attention of monsters that may be hiding in the treeline. I doubt Tael would have just left without saying anything either. It's been too long for him to have just left in order to relieve himself so I can pretty safely say that he's not here.

This means that he most definitely isn't here. This brings me to point two.

Second: Did Tael leave a sign that he was leaving for some reason? I'll search around the campsite and investigate. It's possible that he needed to leave and left a note somewhere. I should investigate the rock he was sitting on…

I slowly moved towards the large stone that Tael had been reclining on when I last saw him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a white rod-like object sitting on the grass nearby. I picked it up and looked over it, tracing my fingers around the intricate carvings that spread across its surface.

This is Tael's wand. From the way he described it, it's not something he would just leave behind casually. Either he dropped this intentionally as a signal for me, or he was taken from here and lost this as he was being moved. This leads into the third point.

Third: If Tael was taken by something or someone, what do I do? It's too late to head into town and form some type of rescue party. The drawbridge has definitely been raised at this point. That means that it's up to me to find him and rescue him.

Fourth: How do I find him? He left his wand behind so that's a good start, but I can't tell if it's because he was struggling or because he just dropped it. I need to search the area where his wand was found and look for any more clues.

I gathered my supplies and drew my broadsword. In the worst case scenario I could still be under the watch of whatever took Tael. I need to be cautious.

I need to switch my mindset. I am no longer trying to find Tael, but instead I am trying to hunt him. What do hunters do to track their prey? Track their prey… Track...

"I need to find tracks." I muttered to myself. Animals and people always leave tracks of sorts. From footprints to objects, everything leaves a trail.

I went over to the area that I found the wand at. Since it's dark, I decided to light a torch. It's better to be able to see my enemies than to get snuck up on, even if the light from the torch is a beacon of sorts. Thanks to the fact that I can use the broadsword with one hand, I can carry my torch in the other and be unimpeded.

I slowly looked over the area around the rock, checking where I had found the wand and searching for anything else that may be a clue to Tael's whereabouts. After a few moments, I noticed that the grass near the wands initial location was flattened down, as if something was dragged across the ground.

I began to follow the flattened grass. Thankfully, the grass on the forest floor is dense enough to where it's hard to lose track of where it's been flattened. With the help of the torchlight, I've been able to follow the path that's been made for me without much issue.

I spent several minutes following the path, slowly trudging along the grassy floor as I clutched my broadsword with my shaky hand. Eventually, on the side of a tree, I found something that stuck out.

"This is… from his robe, right?" I whispered as I crouched down.

Attached to the bark of a tree, a small patch of torn purple fabric rested on the sharp bark of the wood. After spending an entire day next to someone wearing that color, it was easy to recognize. This confirms that I've been following Tael's trail. This also confirms that someone or something is dragging Tael away, but it didn't drag me away. This also confirms that whatever took him was not after our supplies since Tael's wand and my equipment was still at the campfire.

My only worries now are that something could still be following me and that Tael is either hurt or dead.

Why did he not make any noise when he was taken? Surely he wasn't willingly taken. I was conscious the entire time, so I definitely would have heard him struggle. Once I get Tael back, we'll head back to the drawbridge and wait there until it's lowered. Camping in the forest was a bad idea. This is all my fault.

I followed the trail for several more minutes. The grass path winded and turned as it went on for many meters. Eventually, after constant walking and jumping at minor sounds, I encountered a cave entrance. I could see the silhouette of a small humanoid as they began to head towards me.

"Gruuu…" The figure growled.

The Goblin slowly trudged towards me. I raised my torch to be able to see as I readied my weapon. As it approached, I saw it raise its hand to cover its face. Acting on my adrenaline and instinct, I immediately rushed the goblin and stabbed into it with my broadsword.

"Gagh!" I heard it yelp. The noise of something metallic clattered on the ground after it dropped its weapon.

I pulled my sword out of the goblins carcass as I approached the cave entrance. This is a worst case scenario. Tael has most likely been dragged inside of a goblin base. This means that the only way to save him is to go inside and take him out.

Can I do this?

It doesn't matter if I can do this or not. Tael is depending on me...

I firmly grasped my broadsword as I slowly began to walk inside.

When you face problems, you should always try to figure them out instead of just throwing yourself at them face first. Remain calm, keep a level head, and try to use all the information available to you as best you can. Your brain is your best weapon. Don't be afraid to use it.

Catch you on the flip side!

Person_mancreators' thoughts
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