
Chapter 327: Salesgirl

The words shocked everyone in the crowd, and especially Young Master Yao Chen, they never had thought that Ling Jie would ever make a decision like this.

Of all the possible scenarios they had thought, this one never even occurred in their wildest imaginations.

At that moment Young Master Yao Chen was about to start laughing and screaming out loud for the nonsense crap that he just thought he heard, but his laugh didn't manage to get out.

At the first sound of his laughter his lights went out, and he was left unconscious. No one understood when two black dressed guards had appeared beside him and knocked him out.

Their presence wasn't felt even from the guards of Young Master Yao Chen, but before they could recompose themselves from the shock, they were also knocked out.

While the two guards were pulling Young Master Yao Chen and his guards out of the eyes of the crowd, Ling Jie said with a calm face,

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