
Chapter 64

Following our quick exit from Foggy Swamp, we continued to fly south over the earth kingdom. In order to expedite things, I directed our southeast. Avoiding Chin village and Avatar day. We were about a day away from Gaoling and meeting Toph when we stopped by a local village. The village was located due west of Gaoling. It was landlocked and was separated from it's larger port city neighbor by a series of mountain ranges. We were all casually walking about the town shopping for supplies when I noticed how busy the town appeared to be. There were lots of people hurriedly moving through the streets. Despite being a minor town/village it seemed packed. We didn't figure why until our shopping was nearly complete.

"Oooooh, water tribe money. You don't see that every day" The merchant remarks examining the ring coins in his hand. I had traded more raw gold as I had at Kiyoshi Island while I was at the north pole. I made some gold with my quirk then traded it for some local currency. I still had some Earth Kingdom coins from Kiyoshi Island, but figured having more money on hand was always a good idea.

"That's not a problem, is it? Katara clarifies.

"No. Money is money. " He shrugs" and hey who knows with the festival around the corner maybe I'll run into more water tribe members.

"Festival?" Sokka asks excitedly. Well, so much for avoiding trouble. Maybe it's not Avatar Day.

"That's right you guys aren't from around here. The annual Avatar Day festival is at the end of the week" I'm not that lucky I guess.

"Avatar Day?!" Aang eagerly asks.

"I thought that was a Chin Village festival."

"Chin Village definitely has the largest celebration, but it's more of a southwest earth kingdom thing. Basically, everything that used to be the peninsula."

"Maybe we should stick around for a few days" Sokka suggested.

"It could be nice to stay in one place for a few days and just relax. We haven't done that since leaving the North Pole." Katara reasoned

"Well, it would be rude if I didn't make an appearance" Aang added cheekily.

Admittedly, if I didn't know this was a festival about killing Aang I'd be pretty hyped for a festival. We've had some pretty stressful travels recently, a festival would be a great way to unwind a bit. I hate to be the killjoy, but letting Aang participate in the ritualistic celebration of his own death is probably a dick move.

"Hey, how do you guys celebrate Avatar day around here. I mean I've been to Chin and they do big."

"Well I don't think we can compare to Chin. Especially with those massive parade floats, they make every year. I even hear this year they'll be making one for the current Avatar."

"Really?" Aang questioned getting even more excited.

"That's what I heard. If I didn't have this stand to run I would love to go there and watch them burn down those floats."

"Umm burn down?" Katara asked confused.

"Yep burn down. Seeing those big beautiful parade floats burning is the best part."

"That seems expensive keeping the floats year to year has got to be way easier." Sokka points out.

"Maybe, but if we didn't destroy them that would be missing the point of taking the Avatar down a notch and punishing for his crimes. Always going around acting all high and mighty despite everything they've done that's hurt this country."

"WHAT DID...." Aang tries to tell but I move over and clamp my hand over his mouth preventing him from continuing.

"Excuse me! The Avatar is an inspiration." However, I couldn't stop Katara

"The Avatars make more problems than they solve!"

"HGhHHGF" Aang continues to try to tell with my hand covering his mouth.


"GUYS! Let's just go" I interrupt. I pull everyone away before things escalate any further. As we left the Merchant gave us a dirty look.

"What's the big idea letting that guy get away with saying that stuff about Aang"

"Why'd you stop me. I could have shown him he was wrong" Katara and Aang confronted me as we walked away.

"Two things. First, that guy wasn't really talking about you specifically. He was talking about Avatar Kiyoshi and then lumping you and Roku together with her. They hate Avatar Kiyoshi, they dislike you as her proxy. Second, and I shouldn't have to say this, but picking a fight with the Melon Merchant is not going to solve anything." The second part made Aang and Katara a bit embarrassed as they thought about what they were doing.

"But why do they hate Avatar Kiyoshi?"

"And if they hate Avatar Kiyoshi they hate me. She's my past life I'm responsible for whatever she's done. I need to show my innocence or take responsibility."


"Aang you are not responsible for the actions of your past lives. Despite having the same soul, the avatars are all very different people. You have no influence on their lives so it would be unfair to hold you accountable for things outside of your control" Aang doesn't seem convinced but he's not arguing with me so I continue onto Kiyoshi.

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