
Chapter 31

After I tell Kawaguchi all about my test I spend the next week designing my costume with her help. I haven't had it printed yet but the designs are all finished. It's built to be stealthy with black and urban camouflage. There is also substantial armor built into it. Because of my strength and my Quick Pockets perk as long as I'm not over-encumbered I won't feel its weight, so no reason to skip out on the extra armor. In addition to standard impact and pierce resistance armor it will also be rubberized offering extra insulation from electricity and heat. The helmet looks like a ranger helmet from fallout with black lenses instead of red, a built-in gas mask, camcorder for recording evidence, and sense canceling. It can block or unblock my vision, hearing, or smell. Then I've got lots of pockets and straps connecting gear to me. I have flash and smoke grenades and pellets. A set of throwing knives, a combat knife, multitool, quick action grappling hook, standard taser, and a great sword. The greatsword is normally blunted, however, it has a switch which pops out a monomolecular blade. I however don't have a gun, explosives, or any elemental themed gear. Which is fine for now. Getting too much at once will make me forget about features, plus I still have plenty to work on. Also I don't want to get reliant on my gear. At the moment it not too much though there is something for distractions, hiding, movement, and then a variety of short-range weapons.

6 days after the test and after I had finished designing my costume I received an email from UA. I don't know why I was expecting an actual letter when I didnt give them an address, but I'm glad I actually recieved anything with how I filled out my application. The email told me they want to meet with me before making a decision. Oh great, I hadn't expected any fuckery, but I should have. Later that afternoon I made my way back to UA's front gate. I press on the intercom.

"Hello, this is Hano Gin here about an admissions meeting."

"Be right with you"

The gates open and I'm greeted by Present Mic.

"Hey there active listener"


"No need to be nervous I'll be bringing you to your meeting with the principal."

"I'll stop being nervous after the meeting"

"Haha you do you"

As he leads me through UA I realize it is enormous. The kind of thing that can only be thought up in fiction.

"So does this place have its own zip code. Sub-directing stuff to the proper location?"

"No, but that would certainly make it easier. I don't think they do that."

"There's was a mall in America that had its own zip code. Not the Mall of America just a really large collection of shops and offices"

"Huh. Anyway, we're here" he knocks on the door before opening it for me. I enter an inside is a large white mouse-like creature wearing a suit.

"Am I a Mouse? Am I a Dog? Am I a Bear? No. I'm the principal." He says turning his chair to face me.

"Hello, Principal Nezu. You wanted to meet with me." I say trying to stay professional despite the unexpected goofy atmosphere.

"Yes, I did please sit Mr. Hano".

I do so sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

" Do you have any idea the reason why you're here."

"Some kind of additionally screening?"

"Hmm. Yes, something like that. Why do you think that would be necessary?"

"I can think of a couple of reasons"

"Why don't you share some"

"Would you like them chronologically ascending, descending, or just by how important I think they are." I say a bit snarkily because it seems like he's giving me the business. I dont think he's measing with me, but he's definitely acting pretty smug. I think? Man I cannot read the is mouse-bear-dude.

"Why don't you start with descending, what is the most recent thing you be done that makes you think you deserve an untraditional second screening"

"My handling of the zero pointer during the exam."

"Ohh what about it I thought it very clever if perhaps a bit needlessly risky "

"Well, I hadn't intended to step in to stop it unless someone was in immediate danger. But then two things happened, first I saw that despite not hitting anyone it was still destroying the city. I don't know how those are repaired, but I assumed it was expensive and I didn't want anyone to pay for meaningless destruction. Then second, I saw an opportunity to take it down and doing so would help cement my position even if not with points, but in confidence. Those were my reasons, but if you saw it as needless grandstanding that might be why I'm here today"

"It's not. Did you know there was a second grading criteria"

"Rescue Points. I didn't know for certain, but I would have bet on it. I figured going after secret points when I knew they existed would undermine their value and the meaning of the test."

"Interesting most people with a hunch would still have gone after those rescue points."

"I was in a privileged position of being confident about how many robots I could turn off. Had it been something I was less confident about who knows."

"What about the second reason you think you might be here"

"My recent education"

"You mean your self-education you called home-schooling"

"Yes, but I don't think that the reason. I did well in the entrance test"

"You did extremely well on both portions of the exam . You haven't mention getting expelled from middle school for fighting"

"I haven't gotten to it chronologically. But I don't think its that. If you looked into my background enough to know I was expelled for fighting you'll probably know those fights weren't even odd. Usually 5 on 1 where I was the only one who got in trouble. Plus I figure its relatively common for admittees to have a history of fighting."

"Ohh interesting and why would you think that"

"The kind of people who can get admitted to UA are usually driven and talented. Sometimes that means they're aggressive with physical superiority which lends itself to starting fights"

"An interesting perspective, but we're not here because of your history of fighting either"

"Oh, I get it. It's also not just because I'm quirkless which I am. My abilities should be impossible for a quirkless person. So you think I'm a spy or an imposter. You've been using these questions to judge how much of my own life I remember and can tell you about. I bet you have someone nearby that acts as a human lie detector or a quirk detector." Or maybe I overshot and I am just here because I'm quirkless. God that would be embaressing. Called in for a reasonably comversation only to let the full crazy out.

He lets me stew in the silence of my answer before a smile slowly spreads across his face and he waves his hand motioning for someone to come in.

"This man is Naomasa Tsukauchi, and his quirk is as you guessed the ability to detect if a person is telling the truth."

"So Mr.Naomasa how does your quirk work with objective vs subject truth"

"It's based on what the person speaking believes I can detect if you say something you don't believe is true."

"Interesting, so everything I said was true right."

"As far as you know". How terrifying and cliche 'everything I know is a lie'.

"Well then Principal Nezu any more questions"

"Just one. Do you think you will able to live up to the expectation placed on you as a student of UA?"


"Well then thank you for your time, and welcome to UA. Class starts Monday and you will be in class 1-A."

"Actually I have a question for you."

"Go right ahead"

"As an emancipated orphan money is a bit tight is there a financial assistance program I qualify for?"

"I'll add a note to your file and waive your fees"

"Thank you, sir. I'll be back on Monday."

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