

When the group arrived back at the Harrington house, there was an etiquette tutor waiting for Claire. She was whisked away despite her protests. Alex wasn't allowed to come for this part either and obviously wasn't thrilled about it.

She shot him a text to do as much snooping around as he could while she was gone. It was still the middle of the workday so Leo and Tim were out. Isabella and her mother had gone to meet some friends for lunch as well so he had the run of the place if he ignored the fact that Henry was still around.

He was old and slow though. He had to use the elevator the family had installed to even get from his room to the main area of the house.

Alex should be able to evade him no problem. After all, he had been in her house for about a week without her even noticing. Claire tried to forget that little tidbit most of the time because it was pretty creepy even if it had saved her life.

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