
It begins

After that escapade,The grandmaster as expected contacted lady death, for the invintation to this "spectacular event."

"And that is the reason for why." Grandmaster explained to him

"Mmmn." Death looked at the fool with a. blank stare as he was explaining everything too her, while leaving somethings out.

He obviously things of herself as a fool, but he is right on one thing, this will bring her great joy....to see him utterly humiliated.

Anybody who insults her beloved and mocks his strength, is a fool, such a fool deserves to be dead. she smiles inwardly at the irony.

He has already cheated me much, so it would bring me great joy to see him kill his ways grow tiring.

"Very well." Death replied void of any emotion, "I will be watching, do not disappoint me.

To see you alive

He smiled a wide smile, "But of course My lady, death, I shail not fail."



While I was taken to the cell I felt The stares of everyone present, ait disturbed me how dead they were.

They're were talks about how it was another deadman walking, and similar variants, there were other people talking about me in different languages.

I didn't bother to talk to them I just closed my eyes and ignored them

The next day midnight I was staring at an extremely smug grandmaster in the middle of an entire audience, who was shouting for the grandmaster's name.

I had alteady spotted death in the stands clearly visible to all, she was staring at me expecting me, when our eyes locked I gave discreet a nod which caused her to smile.

Coincidence, that was at the same time the grandmaster had introduced her, causing the crowd to be silent but cheered cheered a few seconds later nonetheless.

After the grandmaster had finished his startling introduction he spread his arms out and has said, "let the match of death! Begin!"

He turned to me with a smug smirk, "I am sure that yo- Shenra tensei!"

My eyes flashed gold breifly with my finger pointed at him


He was immediately pushed off of the wall before facefaulting to the ground.

He got up, but it was a struggle, his energy levels were decreasing, but he has much more to offer.

"Well, that was rude."

"I prefer not talk while we fight." I said with a deadpanned tone as I gave him a fake smile ignoring Death's loud snort from the audience.

He smiled and got in a stance, it was the most peculiar stance I have ever seen.

He clapped his hands on his head and powered up, with a different type of energy I am guessing is magic, the outline of his body glowed golden as the ground started to shake a little bit.

The glow suddenly vanished, "I hope your ready, servant." He glanced at death and winked at her, her face was stoic, but I could see a slight twitch to her lips, downwards.

got nothing have a good day and stay safe

Jake_Knightcreators' thoughts
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