
Death's resolve

I was sitting on a chair pulled up to my dining table, sipping on a teacup filled halfway with water.

I was going over the things that I have found out today.

The bizarre thing, I had found out, was that I am stuck in my God form for eternity, apparently, I had accidentally merged with the creation and destruction laws.

I don't even know what that is...I only read a Saitama fan fiction where the author had made a joke about it. one punch strength being a law, but that was all there is.

The next bizarre thing was my Rinnegan, it had changed color, the once Royal purple was now Royally gold.

My chakra reserves have increased almost. I have about half as much as my God Ki.

Lastly but most importantly, I met death, yup, mistress death, I won't be lying when I had said what I said, yeah she was hot, yeah, I had read several stories and lemon between her and oc, wishing I was in their place,

But this is real life, I never knew her, what if she rejects me when she actually gets to know me as all women do.

I sighed, before raising my cup to my lips to take a couple of sips, before I was tackled by a black blur that blur sent me into the wall before it pushed me through the ground, digging an unintentional tunnel.

The blur pushed me all the way up until we were onto the surface, the blur slammed me into the ground with both soft firm hands one my throat while the other on my shoulder, I suddenly felt a pair of lips smash into mine and a tongue, pushing against my mouth trying to get entrance.

By then I had gotten my bearings together, I had grabbed her by the shoulders and flipped her over slamming her into the ground. Switching places.

"Oh my~So brutal."

My crimson eyes glared fiercely at the person only for my eyes to widen in surprise as I recognize the person who had attacked me.


She smiled

"But... why would you-"

I was cut off when she launched a fist into my stomach sending me flying several hundred miles, the speed easily broke the sound Barrier before I was sent tumbling down the ground.

I groaned as I got up, wiping the dirt and bits of blood on my face before I looked at death, who was a couple of meters away, looking at me with fierce determination in her eyes, she was slowly walking towards me.

"I will make sure you love me by any means necessary" Death replied, "Even if that means taking you by force!"

I stared at her with a blank expression before I got up slowly and turned my whole body to face her.

"If you want me that badly," I spread out my arms, "I am yours."

She smiled pleasantly.


Her smile fell.

"You will have to defeat me first."

She smirked, as she stepped forward. "I was going to do that anyway."

Death is taking things in action now, the epic battle begins.

The Super Saiyan God vs the Emboidement of Death stay tuned for the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!

lol I always wanted to say that, have a nice day and stay safe.

Jake_Knightcreators' thoughts
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