
Paintball (10)

- Obsidia's Perspective -

Damn this girl...she sure is persistent, if nothing else.

If my opponent had been anyone else, they surely would have changed to a different target by now after experiencing first-hand just how tough it was to eliminate me. But this girl - Mei Gui - was different. Despite our arduous chase, she still seemed to show no sign of hesitating, much less stopping and moving on to a different target.

I noticed the helicopter the humans were in close by, and so did Mei Gui. Neither of us cared, however. They were just here as spectators - a mere audience for our long and tiring fight.

Well. I say 'long', but in reality, only 4 minutes have passed. I had been counting ever since Mei Gui transformed into her Apoxyia form. She could withhold this state for exactly 600 seconds - or rather, 10 minutes. So far, 240 seconds had passed - 4 minutes. That left 360 seconds of this boring and tedious chase still left.

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