
Following The Agenda-I

By morning when Seoyeon woke up, the bed beside her had been tidied and her little brother had left early. As her younger brother love in the city that were apart from where she was, Seojun had to leave the house early in the morning so he wouldn't be late to come to school.

She quickly pushed herself to raise up by her elbow and stood to walk toward the cupboards, realizing there was something, Seoyeon took to see that it was a folded paper. Her fingers unfolded the paper until she saw a childhood picture of her and Seojun.

A nostalgic feeling comes to her after seeing the picture. Although time had changed most of things, there was the pictures that didn't change, thought Seoyeon. Then her eyes turned the paper to see a small written letter from Seojun, "Bring it with you every time." Seoyeon read the writing and she couldn't help but chuckle at Seojun's instruction.

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