
End for now

*Third POV*

"She isn't here anymore it's just a dream," Zoe said running the tears away from her cheeks.

"She is just somewhere far away and safe, nothing happened to her," the thumping of her heart reaching at her ears in the silent room. "I'm doing what's best for Auro, she is in a safe place."

"Could you elaborate the somewhere safe place?" a voice said just across the room, leaning against the wall, making Zoe jump out of her skin.

"What? What are you doing here" Zoe hissed looking away from Daisuke hands clucked in fist.

"It doesn't matter I can come whenever I want my dear now tell me where is the safe place you,"

"You don't own me anymore Duke please leave," She hissed

"Your sister does, there is dept for her to pay as I saved her life,"

"It doesn't matter Duke I-I wherever she is safe, and you can't use her there is no way I will come back to you,"

"Who said I'm using her to get you back," Daisuke chuckle resting back into the chair with his legs spread wide open. "Stop daydreaming my lady why would I use your sister to take you back. Without Aurora, My... Lady! you would have been locked up in the cage you used to be." he pauses looking towards the open window.

"In the small room where your sister is living now. You know that I can even take you to know and no one will come to know," Daisuke smirks his elbow in the armchair resting his chin in his palm.

"I know your games it's better you just quite it" Zoe rolled her eyes folding her hands over her chest.

"My games? Aren't you the one playing it my lady,"

"What games?" Zoe question glaring towards Daisuke.

Getting on his feet Daisuke walked towards Zoe which only made her step back as he moves forward. The smirk never leaves his face as Zoe can feel herself getting smaller and smaller than before. Heart beating like crazy as if it's burst going to bust out of her chest.

"isn't it suspicious you are the one survived and all are death then your sister just disappeared in thin air," Daisuke gasp mouth wide open along with his eyes one hand covering his mouth. 

Zoe's back hits the wall Daisuke stood in front of her as she tried to move left only to be blocked as he placed his arm either side of her. Making her swallow the hands now clucked down into her nightgown looking away from him.

"The wounds were-" 

"Why are you doing this? Please stop this all," Zoe asked with tears welled up into her eyes cutting Daisuke off from her mid-sentence. 

"Why am I doing this? Hmm?" looking up towards the ceiling acting as if he is pretending to think rolling his eyes looking back towards Zoe who staring at his face. Tears already falling down from her eyes wetting her cheeks.

"To make you feel the pain I'm going through," the smirk returns at his face.

"The faith didn't let us be together but this pain will keep us apart," Pulling away from her looking deep into her eyes finger in his chin as he twists his head sideway with a satanic smile on his face. Making shiver pass through Zoe under his stare. 

"Now you know, I'm not the man with my ex-darling" Daisuke straight out the word darling almost purring 

*Trip for Blessing Third POV*

Zoe's watch her sister fall on the carriage seat eyes getting closed. Patting on Aurora's cheeks with that she signs in response.

Taking the hand of Aurora which was handing in the mid-air into hers. Warping her own fingers around Aurora's hand staring towards it.

"Do I really need to let go this Auro" brushing the back of the hand of Aurora against her own cheek.

"I don't want to do that I really don't you are my little sister after all" letting the tears fall down from her eyes. Bitting her own lips looking back towards her little sister face. Lifting her hand up as her fingers trace the scar across her neck. 

"Its gonna stay forever right, the ugly truth what I-I didn't mean to do it," closing her eyes tight resting her forehead against Aurora bursting into tears.

"Pease forgive me as I used to do. You will right I'm your elder sister," she sobs tighten the grip of the hands they were holding. The minute what felt like an hour the cries which have stopped now. Taking a deep breath, calming herself down, pulling away wiping the tears away from her eyes.

Looking towards Aurora with the blurry vision a small smile spread across her face. Zoe pulls her hand away from Aurora which were holding tight a while ago.

"I have to let it go your hand Auro, we should let go to let go no matter how precious they are how close their once heart. I hope you will be happy where I'm sending you off my sister. A new life a new place away from me away from everyone around you," 

With that Zoe pulls back getting on her feet as the carriage door opens the knight stood in front of the gate helping her to get out of the carriage.

Looking around the soldier's lying with blood all over the place. Making her eyes turn wide the soldiers alive before are dead now. Walking a few steps away from the knight 

"It's done the way you said My Lady" making her jump out of her skin hearing the voice right behind her. Making her take a few steps forward, turning around to see the same knight who helped her to get down from the carriage kneeling in front of her.

Placing her hand over her chest calming her herself down as she looks up towards the sky taking a deep breath. 

"You almost scare me to death," Zoe Scolded looking back at the purple-haired guy before her who was still looking at the ground.

"How did you even get the knight clo-that doesn't matter now? You know what to do next right?" gulping in response signing, in the end, the guy dressed into purple-haired guy nodded his head.

"Well, carry on just don't be too way hard," Zoe said turning her head around as she looks forward foot tabbing on the ground. The next thing Zoe knows something hard hits her head making her fall in the ground passed out cold on the spot.

The purple-haired turns his head around walking towards the carriage entering as his eyes immediately fall upon the girl lying on the seat. Moving forward picking up the girl into his arms getting out of the carriage. Giving one last look around as he whistling through his lips.

Just another second a shadow jumps out of nowhere in front of him dressed into all-black clothes cover the entire body except their eyes, kneeling in front of him. 

"Carry out the plan I have explained to you" the figure in front of him nodded its head without a word the purple-haired guy walks passes from the scene. 

"The Dame Commander and the Princess of Echis Carinatus Palace. You got tricked so easily the rumours are false," 


Sitting on her study table holding the ink pen on her hand as she writes on the small piece of paper. Zoe takes a deep breath as she sets the ink pen down to its stand folding the note. Looking up towards the window mouth slightly open leaving out a small sign. As she pressed her lips together at the end.

Looking down at the drawer at the left side putting the whistle small golden key in unlocking it. A single golden colour wishes lying in there. Taking it as she gets up from her chair walking towards the open window as the chilly wind blows in gently making her hair blow along with it.

Taking a deep breath as Zoe brings the whistle up to her lips blowing it as it whistles silently around her. Just after that, an eagle flew towards her sitting up on the window looking up towards her.

"I guess that's all is it,"

Zoe tied the note on the leg of the bird with that it flew away towards the sky on its destiny to the person it's meant to reach.

The scream of the bird reaches the person cutting down the tree, with that he stops setting down the axe on the ground. Running his fingers through his red short hair as the bird sits upon his board shoulder.

Turning his head to the right side a smirk form on his face, as he unties the note from the leg of the bird. As it brushes his head on the side of the red-haired guy's neck. Giving a small part on the head of the bird as he opens the small note on his hand….

Time for plan D

"Well, you made me wait for such a lot whiles" the guy pauses crumpling the note into fist throwing it into the lake beside him as he picks up the Ax once again holding it into a tight grip.

"My lady" with that he sticks the axe at the tree with that it falls forward in the ground a loud thud.

"I was wrong maybe The Dame Commander and the Princess of Echis Carinatus Palace same as the rumours around her are,"

The first volume has come to its end, reader-chan finally now.

As you have noticed I had deleted the 50 chapters many things were missing. So I had to re-write it. Here are the 3 chapters update let me know in the comment section how you like it.

Is there any questions you want to ask about this first volume let me know in the comment section below. I will try to answer all of them!!!!

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Thank you for being in this lovely Journey of Aurora !!!

Dream_landcreators' thoughts
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