

--- Gareth ---

Gareth grit his teeth as he cleared the eleventh ring, then the twelfth ring just below it. He'd committed to the plan. Somewhat. It just wasn't going to be fun. He didn't know exactly how it was going to play out, but the next steps were at least somewhat clear. Gareth started to head towards the next set of rings and tried to see just how many rings the 'ring' below him in the centre was made up of. *If only I could tell! Damn it all! If I knew I would know if it's worth going unconscious to tag the last set of two!*

Gareth grimaced. He knew he hadn't exactly been fast getting through all of these rings, he'd been maximising his surface area for the most part, so missing out on one or two extra rings could be a massive deal. *It probably won't be enough for second place.* Whispered a traitorous part of his mind, but Gareth shoved that voice down quickly. That wasn't the point. *This is my task and I will see it through.*


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