
Chapter 1139 Pick Your Poison. Again. Probably.

Thyme showed everyone the hidden door under the stairs, and announced "You have an hour to make your plans. Anyone not downstairs when that timer," Thyme pointed to a massive sand hourglass that Mint picked up from under the desk and put on the floor, "finishes, will be eliminated from this round and get zero points for all three events. Don't be late!" 

*How did Mint do that?* Kat looked between Mint, the desk, and the hourglass as everyone else started to disperse. Thyme hadn't yet named the teams for everyone, but Blue's team was going upstairs to their rooms, with the dwarven lead team following them, Romilda, whose name Kat still didn't know, floating up the staircase. Stan's team was heading back outside, and the last team, the one with the elven princess on it, headed back to the cafeteria. 

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