
Chapter 701 Sharing Tales of Friendship

While Blue was trying to deal with Kat's seemingly casual self mutilation, Kat was able to work her arms around to the front and then start pushing the wires around her off carefully. Kat was trying to widen them as much as possible. Unlike the one around her neck, which had been removed, the cables didn't have any burs preventing her from carefully loosening them all around her. With hands free this was a simple, if time consuming task. Kat was making progress, and part of her wondered if focusing on one cable at a time would be better but this was working. "So can I ask you another question now?" asked Kat

Blue moaned as she leant heavily against the wall, "You know what Kat. I don't remember whose turn it is, but I feel like after that nonsense you just put me through I deserve the next question regardless,"

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