
Chapter 568 An Extended shortlist of Races

"Did you consider any other races?" asked Kat

"The only other races that had a chance were dryad and kitsune. The other races all seemed to have a crippling flaw. Golems for example are all asexual and require significant downtime between major activities. Not that there's anything wrong with  being asexual of course… I just… it's not for me? I mean they have other problems anyway… like… um… they struggle to gain power. Like, they don't really get stronger. Mostly they are limited by what they were made from and their core. Then there was a whole suit of races that use Qi, but I ignored basically all of them. If I'm going to be picking anything, mana is the way to go and I won't hear otherwise."

"Qi does seem less cool than mana. Though I guess it depends on what you like," said Sylvie.

Kat chimed in with, "I think it sounds cooler in concept but less cool in practice"

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