
Naomi's fall

Azalea followed Naomi up the hill till they both came upon a rusty abandoned church. Beside the church sat a small area with graves. The graves had dates from the past, and none had any close to the current date. "It appears this church has been abandoned for a while," Naomi said, pointing to the grave dates. Azalea walked over to one of the graves with mud covering the name. She wrapped her hand with her sleeve and wiped away the ground enough to see the name on the grave. The grave read [Penelope Sun] with no dates. "Naomi, look at this," Azalea said, pointing to the gravestone. Naomi walked over and stood beside Azalea. "What? I do not see anything. It's just a blank gravestone," Naomi said, rolling her eyes. "What? It's my mom's name, Naomi. Stop messing around. It's right there!" Azalea said, pointing to what was now a blank gravestone. Naomi frowned and then walked towards the abandoned church doors.

"I swear I saw the name. It was just there?" Azalea said, rubbing the gravestone some more with her sleeve.

"Azalea, seriously stop. This isn't funny anymore. Let's go see what's inside the church." Naomi said, frowning at Azalea.

Azalea took one last look at the gravestone and then walked toward Naomi. "These doors are so old," Naomi said, feeling the texture of the doors. Azalea placed her hands on the door, and a feeling of death hit her. Azalea fell to the ground coughing up blood. "AZALEA!" Naomi yelled, placing her hands on Azalea's back. "Are you ok?" Naomi asks. "Naomi, we shouldn't be here!" Azalea said, taking deep breaths and pulling herself back together. "Yeah, you guys shouldn't be here," A girl said behind them. "Veronica! It's you." Naomi said. "Hi Naomi, what are you guys doing on death hill?" Veronica asks. "Death hill?" Naomi questions. "I thought it was called Dark Hill," Naomi says. "Nope, it's called death hill. They say those who enter the church never come back out." Veronica says, smiling at Naomi.

"See, Naomi, I told you we shouldn't have come here!!" Azalea says, looking up at Naomi. "Veronica stops messing with Azalea; she's scared of everything," Naomi says, chuckling. "Ok, don't believe me; I hope you two know what you're getting yourselves into," Veronica says. Veronica waved goodbye to Naomi and Azalea and then walked back down the hill. "Come on, Azalea, Veronica was just messing with us," Naomi said, putting her hand out to help Azalea. Azalea takes Naomi's hand and stands up. "Let's check it out; I promise it will be fun!" Naomi says, smiling. Azalea hesitates but then agrees, and they both push open the old church door. Naomi walks in and looks around. "This place looks ancient," she says, kicking an old candle. "Maybe we shouldn't touch anything, Naomi!" Azalea says. Naomi looks at Azalea, her dark green eyes staring into Azalea's brown eyes. "Do you think I, your best friend, would ever put you in danger?" Naomi said, continuing to stare at Azalea and grin.

"Not on purpose," Azalea says, stepping back in fear. "Ugh, Azalea, relax. You worry too much," Naomi says, laughing. Naomi turns around and walks towards the back of the church. A sizeable rotting stage stands at the back of the church, falling apart. Naomi sees an old newspaper on the floor and picks it up. "Looks like someone died in this church," Naomi says, throwing the old newspaper on the ground. Naomi sighs and then turns around, looking at Azalea again. "Ok, I am officially bored; Veronica is a liar, so let's leave," she says in a rude tone. As Naomi starts walking toward Azalea, the ground begins to shake. "NAOMI!" Azalea yells. The middle part of the church splits, and a massive hole opens up between Naomi and Azalea. Naomi grabs onto a part of the rotting stage and tries to hold on. "Azalea, help!" Naomi screams. Azalea looks around and sees a rope from the curtain ripped off. "NAOMI WAIT, grab on," Azalea says, picking up the string and throwing it to Naomi. Naomi misses the line, and the rotting wood breaks, causing Naomi to fall into the deep dark abyss of a hole.

The hole closes back up, and Azalea runs over, banging on the floor where she fell in. "NAOMI! NAOMI!" Azalea yells over and over. After screaming for over 5 minutes for her friend Azalea starts to feel weak. The church room starts to spin, and Azalea falls to the ground. "Naomi ... Nao ... N .. " Azalea says slowly. Azalea tries to open her eyes for the last time, holding her hand above her face, and then passes out.

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