
White Lotus Camp

(A Week Later)

Gon had been looking for the White Lotus camp for a while. It wasn't on any map and was very hard to find. He to run a few miles before he started seeing a familiar path. Hee followed down that road and was soon able to make his way near the vicinity of the White Lotus camp.

Gon looks around, ready to attack at a moment's notice but stopped himself. He needed to think things through first. He was angry. Gon's anger has been there a while now, hidden beneath the smile he kept up every day of his messed up life. The truth was that it has been dissipating, turning into nothingness, but when Korra got taken, it doubled. She was the change he needed in his life, that light that would help him fight off the darkness he felt inside.

He wanted to run in and get her back but knew that it was suicidal. There were many guards there, hundreds even plus there was Katara and the other masters who were training Korra. Gon had also noticed a flying Byson just sitting in the camp, meaning that the air nomads were here. Maybe he could take Katara using both his fire and water bending, but the air nomads and the guards would be the death of him.

Gon looked around, watching for any entrances with fewer guards than the others. He finally saw one and decided that that was the path he would use to enter. He planned to take out the guards then, put on their uniform sneakily coming and getting Korra out quickly.

Gon ran silently towards that entrance making sure not to make a sound. He walked up towards the guards, and as soon as they noticed him, they tried to ring the alarm. Gon was quick to stop them by using flash freeze to encase their bodies in ice. Gon defrosted one of the guards and put on their uniform. It was time to find Korra.

(Korra POV)

Korra had been back in the White Lotus camp and had started to feel betrayed. She had come to believe that Gon would come to save her after he did the first time, but maybe that wasn't true as the days past she had been slowly losing hope in Gon until today where she had lost all hope.

"Maybe she was right," Korra said.

(Flashback One week)

Korra was struggling, wiggling around and shouting as she got taken to the White Lotus camp.

"Let me go!!!" Korra shouted.

"He won't come for you, I mean the boy," Katara said calmly.

Korra looked at very pissed at the statement that she just heard. Gon was her savior; he took her out of her cage and showed her the world. He had saved her once.

"He will come for me," Korra said not only as a statement but as a reassurance to herself. In her heart, she had fears of him not coming and she prayed he would come.

(Flashback End)

"It seems I have to escape on my own," Korra decided, "If he doesn't save me, then I will save myself."

Korra quietly left her igloo walking to the animal shelter to get Naga, and as soon as she got on it, she started riding to the exit. Many of the masters saw this and began to chase Korra, but she would stop them by putting up walls of ice, blocking them from capturing her and then moved to the exit.

One of the masters broke through the ice and started to attack Korra. He began by throwing balls of water at Korra, pushing her off Naga, and then continued with a water jet pushing Korra back and injuring her.

A gush of pain jolted throughout Korra's body, threatening to make her throw up. Her stomach ached, and her arms and legs began to weaken. She was feeling her power leave her, and then a thought came into her head.

"I must escape," Korra thought as she dropped to the ground. She feels the metallic tasting blood on her tongue. She wanted to scream and cry. The push had done more than injure her stomach. Her leg got twisted during the fall, and it was in agony. Korra stood up with tears dripping from her eyes and attacked. The man did not know what hit him.

Korra's eyes started to shine with white light, and suddenly all the water surrounding her hit the master and anyone nearby. The effects were devastating. There was a large hole beneath the place that Korra was, and many masters were bleeding and injured. The light disappeared from Korra's eyes, and then she started climbing onto Naga's back.

(Gon's Pov)

Gon had walked into the White Lotus camp and was now on his way to finding Korra. As soon as he entered, many guards started to swarm him.

"Crap, I must have been seen," Gon thought.

He rushed into his fighting stance and started to attack the guards. This fight would not be the same as the last. At that time, he fought out of desperation, angry that the girl he cared about was injured and so he couldn't think straight. This time it was different. A wave of calm anger washed over him, allowing him to think straight but still fight like a monster. He gave a bone-chilling smile and then attacked.

He ran up to the first guy he could see and punched him in the jaw, ultimately breaking it. He continued by using his elemental martial arts to start dodging or redirecting all the water coming at him, taking twenty of the guards down. He continued by creating ice spikes under the guard's legs, causing some of the guards to have a spike coming out of their kneecap.

The rest of the guards were scared; in a moment, they got reduced from sixty to ten. Half of the remaining ten ran away while the other five stayed to fight.

Gon attacked, bringing a water whip from behind the guards, tying them up and freezing them.

He continued onwards, not noticing that two people were watching him. As he walked forward, he saw Korra injured on Naga.

"Korra," Gon shouted.

Korra looked at Gon with tears in her eyes. She didn't believe that he would come. It had been a week, and he still didn't show up. The thoughts of Katara being right left her head.

"You are here," Korra said in a bit of surprise.

"Yes, I am Korra," Gon said, "Didn't you think I would come and save my friend."

"Let me not lie; I was starting to have my doubts," Korra said laughingly, "You took a week."

"Hey, it ain't my fault that there isn't a map to this place," Gon said as they both laughed, "Let's go."

(Katara and Tenzin)

"Son, I think it's time we intervene," Katara said.

They had been watching the Gon fight and were surprised by his skill and tenacity. The last time Katara saw him, he was very injured, now he looked as healthy as a horse.

"Could he be a healer," Katara thought.

She removed the unnecessary thoughts out of her head and started to attack.

Tenzin and Katara jumped down the ice hill that they were on, Tenzin using wind to soften his landing and Katara sliding down the ice on the water.

"Stop!!!" Katara shouted, "Leave the girl!!!"

Gon looked at them with spite and shouted, "No!! She is my friend!!!"

Katara sighed, "Guess we have to fight."

Katara attacked with ice blades but was surprised to find them evaporate as soon as they got near Gon. What she didn't know was that Gon was using slight amounts of fire to stop the water.

Tenzin seeing this, decided to use some attacks of his own and so he used an air slash incapacitating Gon for a second, giving enough time for his mother to hit Gon with an air whip.

Gon flew back bloodied but no too injured. He stood up and started barraging Katara with water. Katara redirected the water towards him, making it hit him square in the head.

"Give up. You can't beat the both of us," Katara said.

As soon as she said that, she knew that something was wrong, Gon's eyes turned cold, and a fire started to come out of his hands. He threw a ball of fire at Katara and then froze her legs using the ice under Katara.

"I know I can't win," Gon said, "That is why I am doing this."

Gon brought up a massive amount of water, and then Phased changed it into a mist. He quickly jumped onto Naga and disappeared.

"That kid is smart," Katara said, "Well, what am I going to do now?"

She didn't like the discussion she was going to have with her other White Lotus members.

Hey guys, I hope you like the chapter. Tried to make things more interesting and show that my mc ain't op yet. Please comment on your thoughts.

Powerstone if u like

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