
One level Away

"Zeigel, you're the monster expert, what are those monsters?" Saliza asked.

"I didn't read any information about this type of monster. The monsters I read about are the ones that can usually be found in Feilo Forest. These monsters are not from Feilo Forest."

The pack of wolves is led by a larger wolf who is most likely the leader. The large wolf barked and the pack changed formation. The wolves formed a horizontal line and gathered fire from their bodies to their mouths.

I may not know what these monsters are, but I knew what they were planning to do and quickly prepared a spell.

The wolves shot a wall of flame towards us. I quickly used my spell and created a wind wall to block the flames.

The moment the flames disappeared, I used the skill in my sword and increased our speed.

"Break their formation!" I yelled as I charged towards the wolves. Saliza and Serith followed my lead and charged with me.

The wolves began gathering fire into their mouth for another attack. We managed to reach the wolves before they could attack us with another blast of fire and take out a few of them.

With their formation broken, the wolves tried to swarm and bite us. Thanks to our increased speed, we were able to fend off the wolves, but the spell slowly began to wear off and the wolves were beginning to overwhelm me and Serith. Saliza was faster than both of us and handled the wolves with ease.

The leader of the pack started barking and the wolves backed away from us. Saliza tried to attack the pack but was stopped by the leader of the pack who created a wall of flame in front of her.

The wolves got into another formation with their leader in front. Two wolves created walls of flame around us while the others prepared to blast us with flames.

I used my last skill usage and blocked the flames with a wind wall. We charged at the pack to disrupt their formation again, but the leader started acting strange. The flames on its body violently erupted and then disappeared into its body. The leader's body started glowing red and the ground below it was melting.

The leader then shot a concentrated beam of fire out of its mouth. The beam incinerated the grass below it and we could even feel its heat even before it hit us. I was out of skill usages so I couldn't stop that attack, and even if I still had skill usages, I don't have enough time to create a spell to stop it.

I should've focused on getting rid of the flame walls that are preventing us from escaping instead of trying to repeat the same trick.

Before the beam hit, Serith got in front of us and tried to block it. He used a skill that covered his blade with energy and thrust it at the beam to stop it.

After five seconds, the leader of the pack was exhausted and so was Serith. His hands were burnt and his sword was melting.

"Are you alright?" Saliza asked. Serith pointed at the pack of wolves. "Go... get them." He said before he collapsed to the ground

As we charged at the pack, the wolves tried to stop us by shooting fire. Saliza deflected the attacks with her axe and rushed at them at full speed.

The leader knows that its entire pack would be dead if we managed to reach it, so it used every last bit of energy it had left and fired another beam at us. The beam wasn't as strong as the previous one, but it was a second away from hitting us.

I couldn't think of anyway to stop the attack and braced myself for the incoming beam. Saliza also knew that she couldn't stop the beam but she kept going.

She took the attack head-on and kept charging at the wolves while being engulfed in the fiery beam. She raised her axe and yelled "Play dead!" as she brought her axe down onto the head of the leader, splitting its head open.

The rest of the pack watched in horror as their leader falls to the ground with its head busted wide open.

Saliza's bracelet glowed, signifying that she had gained a level. She looked at it and smiled before collapsing. Her body was covered in burn wounds and her armor was completely burnt.

The wolves began fleeing, but I managed to kill them all before they escaped.

Once all the wolves were dead, I rushed over to Saliza to make sure that she is alright.

"Oh hey Zeigel, I'm level 30 now." She raised her arm into the sky and pointed at her bracelet.

"That's great, but are you alright?" Saliza nodded with a weak smile. Serith came over after recovering from the attack. "Was that all of them?" He asked. We looked around and didn't see or hear anything.

"You three can go for a break now." Reizo stood behind us while drinking alcohol. "Get healed up, those burn wounds are pretty bad." Reizo grabbed the tails of the dead wolves and dragged them away.

With the first half of today's training finished, we went back to the headquarters. We went to the training room to get Serith a new sword and to do some tests.

I healed Saliza using a spell while Serith registered a skill into a new sword. "That feels much better." Saliza got up after I finished healing her. All her burn wounds were gone and my mana was completely drained.

"Now that you're level 30, you should be able to summon C rank monsters. Try summoning a doruso."

Saliza accessed her bracelet and checked her summon menu. She placed the doruso into one of her active slots and tried to summon it.

She was successful and summoned the doruso.

"I did it, I summoned a doruso!" Saliza hopped on top of the doruso and rode it around the room.

"That's great. Can you try summoning another C rank monster." Serith asked.

Saliza added more C rank monsters into her active slots and summoned a radive and a gendion.

Now that Saliza can summon C rank monsters, training this week should be much easier now.

We went to the cafeteria after that to get lunch. Since Reizo is going to make us fight monsters from different areas, I need to start reading information on more monsters not just from Feilo Forest and hope that the ones I read about are the ones we'll have to fight.

I searched through the book and found the wolves that we fought earlier. The wolves are called burarks and they are D rank monsters. The leader of the pack is called an alpha burark and it is a C rank monster. These monsters are from an area called Vulcor Valley.

For the rest of the week, training was a cakewalk. We easily dealt with each monster by summoning C rank monsters to fight them.

We also scanned some new monsters. Two D rank monsters and three C rank monsters.

At the end of the week, our levels were higher.

I was level 28, Serith was level 31 and Saliza was level 33.

"Training is so easy now. I bet the third week will only be slightly more challenging." Saliza said while lying on her bed. We had recently finished the final day of training on our second week without any difficulties.

"But you know how Reizo is right? He's unpredictable. He probably already has in mind how he's gonna give us another near-death experience." I said while reading the encyclopedia.

"If he's going to make us fight B rank monsters, then training will definitely be much more harder." I flipped to a page about a B rank monster that can be found in Feilo Forest and showed it to Saliza.

It was a large t-rex covered in armor made of thick wood. They are the predator of many monsters including the doruso.

"We have to fight that?!" Saliza grabbed my book and started reading the information of the monster. "It's huge! How does Reizo expect us to kill that thing?" She handed me back my book.

"Maybe he won't make us fight B rank monsters. Though he might restrict us from summoning monsters since that made training much easier." Serith said.

Well, hopefully, we can get through the next week quickly and end training.

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