
Joining The Mission

Raynor was walking back to the group, the blonde girl who was wrapped in Arno's blanked was giving a stinging eye towards his Assistant who does not even acknowledge her existence, and that just makes this hot-head woman more pissed off.

"Don't bother, she only cares about Ray and only Ray," Arno said that to the blonde, gaining the other people attention.

"Is she like a statue or something? only reacts when your..." She didn't finish her sentence as Arno clarified for her.

"My friend and his name is Raynor Valeron." He clarified for her.

"Yes, him! did he trained her or something to be like this?" The Blonde who was wrapped in the blanked wanted to figure out how this ice statue beaten her so freaking easily!

"They way she was trained affected her, her ice powers eventually affected her personality, a side effect, like some semblance she can go out of control and such." He said that while looking at the blonde hot-head who realise what he meant, she looked away while clicking her tongue.

Ruby slightly giggled because he just pointed out that her sister's semblance affects her personality as well, but then she wonders how does he even know about Yang's semblance?

"Well? so why you guys so far here in wilderness and so close to abandoned city?" Raynor asked them as he walked over to their side.

"We are on a mission from Beacon to find out if any criminals are hiding here in Mountain Glenn." The 'little reaper' answered his question.

Hearing their reason he put his fingers on chin and started to 'think', more like scanning the abandoned city.

"I can sense life signatures in the underground city, they are doing something in the train station, it has working tracks which lead directly towards the large city in the north," Raynor explained after simple scan.

The Team RWBY and one doctor/professor stared at him with wide eyes.


Everyone just squeaked or released some sort animal noise, before calming down...somewhat.

"You can sense that far away!?" They all asked him with shell shocked looks.

"Didn't I told you all that I am much stronger than my assistant who can freeze kilometres of land casually?" Raynor asked them in turn with raised eyebrow, didn't they already established that?

"My power is universal, that means, my senses are very powerful as well." He shrugged at them.

"Anyway! Arno!" He turned to his blond friend.

"While killing soulless monster is fun at first... why don't we join this group and beat up some criminals... WHILE destroying soulless beasts! what do you think?" He grinned saying that, Arno just shrugged at friend, they still killing the Grimm and he showed the world he wanted to show to his best friend, so he doesn't mind either way...

"Great! then let's get the introduction on the way!" Raynor smiled while saying that and everyone just looked at this development weirdly, one second they were beating their collective asses and next one they are joining them?

Ruby was first to get over this she then happily smiled at him.

"That's great! my name is Ruby Rose and this is..." She quickly pulled out her scythe, And Raynor's assistant reacted faster than any human should, but Raynor hand appeared on Mu Feixue shoulder thus stopping her.

Ruby blinked several times because there was wind gust in front of her.

"She is far too kind-hearted to try anything on me, you should understand that by now," Raynor said that to his assistant.

"Yes, master." She said that while closing her eyes and lowering her hand and then recalling her sword back to her storage dimension.

"W-What just happened?" The little reaper asked with a confused look, the other girls and doctor saw what just happened they all got cold sweat going down their spines, they just saw these two 'people' move so fast that they could not even follow what just happened!

"My assistant is was jumpy when you out of nowhere pulled out your Scythe, I told her that you have no interest in harming me, correct?" Raynor showed her a disarming smile, and the silver-eyed girl quickly nodded.

"Y-Yes! I mean I am sorry! I am not good with meeting new people, so I just..." She nerviously scratched back of her head with her remaining free hand.

"That's fine..." He waved his hand, it was no big deal, he then looked at her weapon." By the way... is this made by you?" He asked with interest, as he got closer to her scythe.

"Yes! I made my baby myself! her name is Crescent Rose." She proudly showed her weapon and Raynor quickly walked around and inspected it.

"Hmm, those blades need constant maintenance, unless you plan to upgrade into better metal? I can see that you made it so you can take them off quite often?" He quickly dissected her weapon just from a single look, he can see that it's a sniper as well, but he more interested in blade of her scythe.

Ruby's teammate eyes widened because they know what this means!

"OH.MY.GOSH! you know about Weaponsmithing!?" the girl nearly squealed when she said that.

"Know? I am a... master blacksmith!" He wanted to say 'god' but he rolled with 'master', still he rolled his eyes at her, and then pulled out his Desert Eagle.

He showed his gun to her, while it's not made by him in direct sense, he did used his Blacksmithing knowledge to alter the weapon he took from PSICOM grunt back in Final Fantasy universe.

"Woah... c-can I touch it?" She asked him with super effective eight times the damage puppy eye technique!

'D-Damn they are multiplying!' Raynor started to sweat when he was in direct eyesight with her silver puppy eyes.

"Damn... sure!" He handed over the gun to her.

"It-its warm! how can metal be warm?" the Little reaper said with the shocked look!

"Well, to get the answer try shooting it," Raynor smirked at her.

"Ray, is it okay for her to hold one of YOUR guns?" Arno asked with concern, It's Raynor weaponry we talking about! all Arno knows Raynor maybe even has planetary destroying handheld cannon, in his pocket!

"It's fine! it only shoots ceros and balas..." Raynor waved his hand in 'no big deal' fashion.

Arno wanted to say that 'Cero' and 'Bala' is not a small deal!

Before he can say that Ruby pressed the trigger and the Desert Eagle released crimson beam at a tree, it easily erased portion of it, but because of the recoil, Ruby's hands started to sting like crazy to point that she released the weapon accidentally and beam went out of control, before anyone can get hurt Raynor already retrieved his Desert Eagle before it even landed on the ground.

"Well, I guess the recoil was too much," Raynor said with a shrug and 'pocketed' his gun.

"T-That.WAS.AWESOME!" The little red riding hood themed girl said with stars in her eyes, her hands were still shaking like crazy but she just saw a real ENERGY beam being shot from a pistol sized gun!

Raynor just blinked at her, this was not the reaction he was expecting from a girl who nearly beamed her head off!

She then used her speed semblance and appeared next to him.

"Howdidyoudoit? whatkindofstuffdidyouputinsideofit?" She started to speak as fast as a machine gun can spit its bullets.

"Rubes! we can talk about this later! we have a mission to finish!" Ruby's elder sister came over and pulled her from confused Primordial Dragon.

"Right... back to introducing..."Raynor snapped out and remembered what they were doing before he got carried away by over-excited weapon's girl...

"I am Raynor Valeron, and I am just a high school student, and this is my best friend Arno who is my classmate and guy who shares the same interests as I do." Raynor introduction earned several eye rolls, even from his own best friend, and if Remnant itself had eyes it would roll as well.

"Yes... 'just high school student'..." Sarcasm has rolling from Weiss"...who can fly, has guns who can shot energy beams, moved faster then people can see, has an assistant who can freeze people..." She rolled her eyes again..." very simple high school student..."

Raynor shamelessly nodded with a smile.

White themed girl just huffed and rolled her eyes again!

"Let's get this farce over with! I am Weiss Schnee, Heiress of SDC, this is my partner Ruby Rose, then this blonde here is Yang Xiao Long, and the girl next to me is Blake Belladonna." Weiss quickly introduced everyone.

"And I am Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck, I am a Professor in Beacon Academy, and I teach history there." The man with green hair and round glasses proudly said that.

"History? damn... I am lucky... I am a big nerd for history!" Raynor said that quite eagerly.

While the team RWBY and even Arno eyes bulged out.

They all were screaming in their heads as the moment the Professor opens his mouth it's game over!

"Oh! a fellow lover of history! This is wonderful indeed! Wait! You said that you are not from around here!? does this means your world has different history!? why don't we exchange notes then!" The green-haired man opened his mouth and started to speak but his speed was actually, normal! and everyone can understand him!

"What... just happened?" Yang asked her teammates.

Raynor just winked at them as he started to speak with the doctor/professor.



A pure and very bright red sinister beam erased another massive gorilla-like Creature Of Grimm some distance away.

"W-Who just did that? that beam was like yours, Raynor!" Weiss asked the Primordial Dragon as she and her teammates went to hide behind derelict building went it happened.

They just entered into city area of Mountain Glenn, yet they already noticed massive amount of craters and indiscriminate destruction.

"That was my Asura Spirit." He said that without more explanation as he started to walk with his assistant towards the source of the crimson beam.

Seeing that he is not telling more everyone just turned towards Arno.

"Well...think of them as Ray's summons." The blonde extremely simplified what are Asura Spirits.

"Rrrright..." Yang just rolled her eyes hearing that, the rest of them just deadpanned at him.

"Just follow him and you will eventually understand, it takes longer to explain but Ray got them when he visited one universe which heavily focuses on Martial arts, he picket some of them there." The blond didn't mentioned that his best friend reaped half universe for his sect and his girls as pets...

"Oh, Martial Arts!? can they do crazy stuff like levelling mountains and such?" The little red riding hood asked with an excited voice.

Arno just chuckled nerviously.

"The assistant girl Mu Feixue comes from one of those places, and levelling mountains is quite an easy feat, while I am not at that level yet, I can do this..." Arno just arm thrust into the build and the wall literally... just disintegrated.


"You are going to teach me that blondie!" Yang asked him after seeing what he just did.

"Looks who is talking goldilocks." He rolled his eyes slightly, the blonde girl just puffed her amble breasts.

"Blondies have to stick together!" Arno just rolled with her and motioned for them to follow him after Raynor.


"Isn't this little bit weird?" Blake asked them as they were walking through the abandoned streets.

"I don't see any Grimm at all, it's like they have been completely wiped out." The Cat Faunus explained what she meant.

"That because Ray and even I can sense Grimms," Arno said to the RWBY and the Doctor.

"Thanks fascinating! how does it even work?" The Doctor got closer to the blonde guy and inspected him up closer.

"Well, we can control unique energy which can amplify our bodies, that includes sense to a degree, so what I sense from them is construct of walking energy, and it's very empty, dark, and just wrong..." Arno explained what he sense when he met Creatures of Grimm for the first time.

As they were walking through the empty streets they were on high alert only Arno was walking casually because he can sense Grimm, and they are nowhere near them!

"Guys... what in twins name is that massive thing!" Weiss said with slight panic as she saw the massive dark humanoid creature standing some distance away in front of them!

"Oh, that's Ray's summon..." Arno casually explained, he already picked up some of his best friend quirks...

Everyone just looked at him like he is freaking insane! that...thing... is a Summon!?

If people are interested in this fanfiction I have a Discord for this.

Over there I have more extended list of World MC will visit and from time to time I spoil some stuff.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

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