
We Meet Again (2)

"Feifei, darling, you need to wake up."

Su Xiaofei groaned and tried to cover her face with one hand, eager to get more sleep, but Lu Qingfeng's voice sounded happy and nervous at the same time. Just what was going on? She wondered as she grunted and cracked her eyes open.

"What is it?" She asked, trying to blink away her sleepiness to focus on what her husband was telling her. She felt refreshed from her nap, but Su Xiaofei wasn't sure how long she had been sleeping.

"Mother is finally awake and she's looking for you." Lu Qingfeng told her. "You wouldn't want to keep her waiting, right?"

That was enough to jolt Su Xiaofei up. Was she still dreaming or did her husband just say that her mother was awake now?

"What?" She exclaimed, turning her head to look at her mother, her eyes widening as she saw Yun Qingrong's smiling face looking at her.

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