
Episode 26: Taking the world by storm.

The oppression release from Theone was so heavy that the mortals felt their bodies being crushed under a waterfall.

Their eyes had been open wide in fear by the appearance of the demon King and their eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. They were petrified on the spot. 

The mortals in the group also couldn't see Feng Mei, so their fear intensified. In their vision, only the gigantic sized monster and its army that appeared out from the hell could be seen.

Even the fart of the giant will give rise to winds so strong that it will bring about their end. Just looking at it was enough to activate the passive ability, «Death perception» that Arnold possesses. Just looking at it was enough to paralyze them all in fear.

Only a fool or a blind bald monk such as Lee sin would remain here!

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