
An unknown beast

The trip continued to last for a few days with a small stops.

Then, Vayve and his friends could see a huge mountains on the horizon. This was a place where Vayve hoped to find the hiding servants of The Hona Family, then poison up a medicine! Of course, it was still far away.

And then, the mission of the adventurers began.

They didn't waste any time, just took enough money from the merchant for the work of a bodyguard, then set out to scour that cave which should hold a special minerals. From the information they had, it was a hidden cave.

The party was truly storming through the dense forest destroying every beast on their way. The beasts' were naturally given the best care to which Vayve softly asked...

"Can I try it?"

The adventurers were skinning up the beasts, then gathering up their hide and every useful part that could be sold. They had done the same treatment with The Nigh Red Wolves and as an experienced group, it was a really fast process.

Vayve's question got answered brightly.

"Yeah, just don't puke, haha~~"

"I won't."

Encouraged by the older brother of Markas, Vayve began his lesson which was not an easy feat, but also not that hard as he imagined. Looks like the sight of a blood and flesh became a natural one... Then, Markas chimed in, and he helped Vayve by sharing his experiences.

"You have to cut it slowly here."


"No problem, haha~~"

The duo worked together under an close eyes of Yuna and the rest of the adventurers. Then, as some time passed, Vayve decided to wash his hands and not hinder the group anymore. He thanked for their help and knowledge, then everyone increased in a speed as they moved forward.

The whole forest was quite hard to move, but that in itself is an experience valuable enough to engrave deeply within one's body.

Soon enough, the older brother spotted a hidden cave with all the information gathered in his mission's scroll. The group tensed up, then going in their usual formation, everyone slipped into the cave.

It wasn't looking an unique at all. The common and plain cave with stones and rough path was not what Vayve and his friends expected. However, the information had stated that there is a beast, so everyone stood silent.


And as Yuna stepped through some unknown formation, the whole cave shook vividly. It was too sudden and the brats couldn't react properly. Of course, the adventurers took out their weapons and brandished themselves for an incoming attack.

The whole situation was too strange.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

"A ceiling... Shit!"

A ceiling had fallen behind Yuna as she was the last one to cross a hidden formation. It was clear that there was already a trap prepared for them! Without a way of going back, the adventurers could only patiently wait while gauging the situation.

It was surely a nerve wrecking situation.

Is there really a beast? If so, then they are confident in that beast! However, what if there is more? There were surely a many questions that got answered relatively quickly.

"Who are you?"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

There was a human instead of the beast. However, his whole appearance was beast like as he had a muscular posture which was tall. His muscles weren't hidden at all as he exposed his chest. Furthermore, a thick killing intent with a power of his was non stop coming out from his wholy body.

The man clapsed his hands, then allowed his long white hair to flutter wildy as his steps continued to go forwad.

"As expected of the adventurers. You don't question your bad luck, but just move forward to protect yourselves. Betrayals... These are common whether it's from the closest ones or the mission providers, right? Hehehe~~"

The older brother clenched his sword tightier, then properly shook off that evil killing intent that was doing its best to influence him. He was also slowly leaning forward which meant that an attack is going to come out soon.

"Were we the targets? Or we are just a random adventurers you need?"

"You were a target."

As if fulfilling his last wish, the muscular man let out a honest words, then laughed wildly while stomping forward. His whole body let out a red vicious light, then some strange letters began describing themselves on his skin.

Seeing these letters, Vayve let out a gasp, but before his eyes, the battle between the adventurers and the muscular man already unfolded.

His steps were as if giants, but his punches were simply the opposite. The muscular and wide body could dodge relatively fast, then unleash even faster punches that distrubed a sword dance of the older brother!


This was a critical hit that completely broke out the adventurer's advantage. The moment the older brother spit out some blood, his whole face got clenched tightly, then a sound of bones cracking instantly rang out!


"Stop it! Stop it, you monster!"

Such painful scream was likewise a powerful influence that shook the hearts of a close friends. They let out their shouts, then desperately threw themselves at the muscular man who just laughed hard while complying.

"Okay, I will stop~~"

Then, his body turned to the closest adventurer.

"And play a little with you."

Instead of going for a head, the beast grasped an arm tightly by wrapping his own two strong arms. Being grabbed by such powerful weapons, the adventurer let out gasp, then second later, a loud and painful scream filled the whole cave.

In the meantime, the other adventurers closed up the gap, then their weapons descended onto that muscular body. But was it truly enough? The man's smile just grew wider when they did so, so the effects were surely obvious.

He was enjoying the pain.

Whether it was coming from his own body or the victim within his grasp!


As his group was being dominated by an unknown man, the older brother let out a heroic shout which gathered as much Sword Intent as possible. This very power shone with a steel like luster that brought up a change in the whole cave.

But this change lasted a mere seconds yet again as the beast just pounced forward with an intent to take that blow frontally!


"Unlike you, my skull is way harder. Heheheh~~"

Only a little blood seeped out from the man's forehead as he let out that devilish laughter! The older brother felt an immense threat, but his body refused to move... He was already soaked in a disappointment and sorrow.

The result of that exchange... was enough to tell everyone what kind of future they are going to have!

"Let my brother go!"

Then, Markas awakened from his fear. The young man had his only brother as a blood related family and it was a ties he treasured deeply. As his strength was to protect his own family, Markas let out a shout, then swept through the cave to save his brother!

But his punch was only a little tickle to the muscular body of an unknown beast.

"You were a target."


Hearing this, Markas stopped as he raised his small head up. He looked at the beast with a hopeless eyes while the incident of his family's slaughter flashed briefly within his mind.

"Chosen by the mysterious gloves... The blood of a brat like you is going to taste sooooo gooood."

"Ah... Ahhh! N-no... It's my- fault... Ah... AHhhh!"

"Mark...as.... Live... Don't.... let... these... thoughts... cloud... your path..."

"Heheheh~~ Enough of these moving words."

The muscular man just let out his laughter, then a powerful grasp shattered the whole head of the older brother! His blood spilled out like a fountain which was too scary sight for Markas, Yuna and Vayve...

The three of them were just looking at the whole scenario while being stupefied...

The people they had spent a days with a laughter, happiness and excitement... were just dying in front of them as if their lives were worth nothing. The bones were broken non stop going for a torture which surely was not necessary.

Of course, the skulls were mostly being shattered thoroughly.

Then, the beast grapsed Markas' head whose face was full of tears and sorrow. He couldn't even propely look which was one of the worst sights Vayve and Yuna had ever experienced.

Then, the beast just glanced at both of them and realized that the kids of a similar 'quality' had stepped onto the formation too.

It was not only about the gloves, but also a potential of the young target.

"Hehehehe~~ What a good hunt!"

And so, Vayve and his friends became a prisoners or maybe something else... Their bodies were roughly carried to the unknown place while looking at all the blood and flesh scattered around...

'I couldn't even move... What is going to happen to us...'

Looking to the side, Vayve's eyes spotted Yuna whose body also got a bad treatment. A deep sense of regret filled his heart, then submerged in all negative emotions, Vayve and the rest appeared in a room where their bodies began losing more blood.

Of course, it was kept on the considerable pace, so that the victims won't die.

They were... nutrients now!

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